Quote Originally Posted by gowator
Quote Originally Posted by firebyrd10
Quote Originally Posted by hoy_128
sweetness, u guys are great, looks like I have a lot of learning to do.....I guess I'll just have to leve winblows behind and hop on the bandwagon.
Yes the learning curve is quite steep, but you learn fast enough.

and its worth it!

The fastest way to learn is to get rid of windows!
Force yourself to do it!

What you can do (later) as a safetly measure is install a second knoppix which is a backup. Then if you mess about and wreck something you can actually take the time to discover why... and how to fix it instead of reinstalling....

think about moving to a real debian install sometime... knoppix is great and a terrific kickstart but a bit limited in the medium term...becuase of its live Cd origins... check out kanotix as a knoppix derivative which installs cleaner becuase this will give you a system that behsaves more like the documentation says it should....

in the meantime once you worked out the install once its pretty easy to repeat linux is in many ways just different to the way MS do things... and this makes it seem strange but its just a different paradigm to the one we are force fed!
T knoppix system installs as debian when you select the debian install option.