Hope this doesn't make anyone mad, or is inappropriate to post. (Let me know...)

I've got one too many old computers. Looking to give one away. This one's slow, but it works.

Specs, in no particular order:
NIC: 3Com Etherlink III (ISA) (kernel module "3c509")
Modem: SupraExpress 56i Voice (ISA) on ttyS2 (aka COM3)
Sound Card: Generic OPL3-SAX (ISA) (kernel module "opl3sa2")
Video Card: S3 ViRGE (PCI) (2M RAM)
hda: Western Digital AC34000L
- hda1: /home, 3400M
- hda2: swap, 500M
hdb: Quantum Fireball EX 6.4A (came from a Mac!)
- hdb1: /, 6289M
CD-ROM: Matshita CR-585, 24x
Mobo: Giga-Byte GA-586TX2
CPU: Intel Pentium MMX 200MHz
Monitor: eMachines eView 15s
OS: Knoppix 3.4 (kernel 2.4 by default) (bootloader: GRUB)

You don't have to take the monitor. (The eView is a piece o' crud because it does a maximum of 1024x768 at a vsync of 65Hz, which is pretty flickery. Not to mention it's only 15".)

You supply your own keyboard (old standard connector, not PS/2, although you can use an adapter) & wheelmouse (PS/2).

* If you can come by my house and pick it up, that is. Otherwise, you gotta pay for shipping and whatever it costs to get it packaged up...

If no interest here, it'll get given away on Freecycle.org.

email: eco2geek (at) comcast (dot) net