Quote Originally Posted by rrfish72
I believe the dvd is working correct now. I found out the the dvd drive is scsi1 which is sr1 and had to change all the links. That made me change the cdrom drive to sr0 which points to scd0, which the info told me that the cd writer(cdrom) is scd0. Now I can read data cds everytime with no problem but still no movies because of the missing plugin(lib thing). I cannot play audio cds though. I right click and select xmms and a play files screen opens and then I'm lost again. I try kaffeine and another error about no plugin to handle this resource.

By changing the sr#'s and having the cdrom point to sr0 --> scsi0 that should have made the drive able to read data cds anyway right. But it can't. When I try to mount or open it says 'Too many levels of symbollic links'.
Now this is the output of ls -la /dev/cdrom:

total 40
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 (date)(time) .
drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 36864 (date)(time) ..
1 root root 3 (date)(time) sr0 --> sr0

That output does not seem to be correct after seeing what the rest of the outputs were. It should have been /dev/cdrom --> sr0 like the output of /dev/cdrom1 --> sr1 which I beleive is correct. I even did ln -sf sr0 /dev/cdrom which after I did came back with the last line: 1 root root 3 (date)(time) sr0 --> sr0. I know it has to be /dev/cdrom --> sr0 doesn't it.
To tell you the truth, I think you might have hit on "why /cdrom isn't working", with that ls -la /dev/cdrom output... First, you are right, the symlink should be /dev/cdrom -> sr0 -=- but, since you appear to ALSO have gotten a directory listing with the command, as well, my concern is that you might have a "directory" called /dev/cdrom, which is giving you that "too many symlinked" error... You should also check to be sure that you haven't inadvertantly set sr0 not to scd0, make sure that /dev/cdrom points to sr0, and that sr0 points to scd0...

As for that directory thing... Check to see that you don't have a "d... root root ... cdrom" inside /dev -=- I think this directory could have "accidently" been created during the whole fiasco with your ROM devices mount points... Check that your ROM entries in your fstab file are like the following:

/dev/dvd = /dvd
/dev/cdaudio = /cdaudio
/dev/cdrom = /cdrom
/dev/cdrom1 = /cdrom1

If the above is true in your FSTAB file, then a /dev/cdrom directory is NOT supposed to exist, if you find a directory, named cdrom under the /dev folder, then you should rmdir /dev/cdrom from a root Konsole... Then make sure you still have the same output from a ls -la command on your /dev/cdrom as you do with /cdrom1 output. This should resolve the error you are getting from mounting your /cdrom device.

Quote Originally Posted by rrfish72
All the sr#'s pointed to the same #scsi. /dev/dvd went to sr2 which I changed to sr1. /dev/cdaudio went to sr1 which I left alone because of the audio cable thing which I didnt check yet but will soon.... /dev/cdrom* gave the above goofy output (I think it's goofy).
ls -la /dvd gave me a directory listing.
You are right, the output is "goofy", see above for possible correction...
The reason for the ls -la commands on your mount point directories, was to ensure that you have a directory existing for when you mount your device( s ). Looking at the above, example I gave for your fstab file ROM entries, each one of those "mount points" should have a directory existing, or when you mount the device, it will not have a place to put the files from the device in.

Quote Originally Posted by rrfish72
OTHER: I've download the lib thing and need help installing. It is sitting in my home directory and I think it is the right one. Any other way to do it like through apt-get.
Ah, here is the output text, I use it myself, and was given this from Stephen, as a resolve for that pesky dvd lib problem... ( note, that the original way to get the lib, was supposed to be able to be done through apt-get, but the site that holds the lib gives a message: "videolan... Site Not Found" - so apt-get won't work anymore... You need to get the lib another way, and then "force" the lib into Debian through dpkg... )
wget http://download.videolan.org/pub/lib...2.8-1_i386.deb
dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.8-1_i386.deb
You will want to do this in a root Konsole... This is the exact same lib that I have ALWAYS had a problem with in either Xine, or Kaffeine, when dealing with DVD playing. This is also the same version that I have running fine in my install as well...

Lastly, on playing any media, do not right click on the icon on the desktop for the device. Open up the player program, let's say its CD AUDIO, and you want to open XMMS. Once XMMS is open, left click on the "wave" symbol in the upper left corner of XMMS, select "Play Location", when the window for that pops up, either select the /cdrom or /cdrom1 in the drop-down box, or simply just type in /cdrom or /cdrom1 in the box, and then click on the OK. If its a DVD, then you will want to use either Xine, or Kaffeine, both of these programs "assume" the device is going to be /dvd by default - so don't right-click on the desktop icon for the device, start the player program ( Xine, or Kaffeine ), and select the device to be played - the option button for DVD in Xine, or in Kaffeine, select "Play" and follow that menu down till you get to the DVD menu item. I "never" right click and select a program the device should be played with, it can get you into trouble, as you have seen - let the player program do all the work for you...

I think the "end" is in sight, ... with the lib in place, you should be able to play DVD's, with the resolve of /dev/cdrom as a directory, you should be able to mount your /cdrom device, with the help with Xine, Kaffeine, and XMMS being started first, and letting them go to the device, I think you might have CD AUDIO playing and DVD playing working ... ( hopefully, if not, we will see what we need to do, if that is necessary )

Ms. Cuddles