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Thread: Create a symlink from /dev/dvd to /dev/sr2

  1. #1
    Senior Member registered user
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    Create a symlink from /dev/dvd to /dev/sr2

    Trying to get dvd to play and this is what I was informaed to do. How is this done? Here is my fstab:

    # /etc/fstab: filesystem table.
    # filesystem mountpoint type options dump pass
    /dev/hda3 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1

    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
    /dev/fd0 /floppy vfat defaults,users,showexec,umask=022 0 0
    usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs defaults 0 0
    sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/sr0 /cdrom iso9660 defaults,users,noexec 0 0
    /dev/cdrom1 /cdrom1 iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/sr2 /dvd iso9660 defaults,ro,users,noexec 0 0
    /dev/cdaudio /cdaudio iso9660 defaults,ro,users,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/cdrom1 /mnt/auto/cdrom1 auto users,noauto,exec,ro 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ntfs noauto,users,exec,umask=000,uid=knoppix,gid=knoppi x 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5 ext2 users,exec 0 0

    Is this set right? Any help in resolving this would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
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    Re: Create a symlink from /dev/dvd to /dev/sr2

    Quote Originally Posted by rrfish72
    Trying to get dvd to play and this is what I was informaed to do. How is this done? Here is my fstab:

    # /etc/fstab: filesystem table.
    # filesystem mountpoint type options dump pass
    /dev/hda3 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1

    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
    /dev/fd0 /floppy vfat defaults,users,showexec,umask=022 0 0
    usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs defaults 0 0
    sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/sr0 /cdrom iso9660 defaults,users,noexec 0 0
    /dev/cdrom1 /cdrom1 iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/sr2 /dvd iso9660 defaults,ro,users,noexec 0 0
    /dev/cdaudio /cdaudio iso9660 defaults,ro,users,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/cdrom1 /mnt/auto/cdrom1 auto users,noauto,exec,ro 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ntfs noauto,users,exec,umask=000,uid=knoppix,gid=knoppi x 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5 ext2 users,exec 0 0

    Is this set right? Any help in resolving this would be appreciated.
    Ouch! My fstab never looked like that, pointing to your sr0 and sr2 devices, that is...

    First off, where is your sr1 device? Is sr1 symlink'ed to cdrom1, and why do you have two entries for /dev/cdrom1 - each one is pointing to a different mount point...

    Here is what my fstab file looks like:
    root@Morpheus:~# cat /etc/fstab
    # /etc/fstab: filesystem table.
    # filesystem  mountpoint  type  options  dump  pass
    /dev/hda5  /  ext3  defaults,errors=remount-ro  0  1
    /dev/hda6  /home  auto  defaults,auto  0  2
    /dev/hda3 none swap defaults 0 0
    usbdevfs  /proc/bus/usb  usbdevfs  defaults  0  0
    sysfs  /sys  sysfs  defaults  0  0
    /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ext3 noauto,users,exec 0 0
    proc  /proc  proc  defaults  0  0
    /dev/hdc1 /mnt/hdc1 vfat defaults,users,noauto,exec,umask=000 0 0
    /dev/hdc2 /mnt/hdc2 ext3 defaults,users,noauto,exec 0 0
    /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 vfat noauto,users,exec,noatime,umask=000 0 0
    /dev/fd0  /floppy  vfat  defaults,user,noauto,showexec,umask=022  0  0
    /dev/dvd /dvd  iso9660  defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto  0  0
    /dev/cdaudio /cdaudio  iso9660  defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto  0  0
    /dev/cdaudio1 /cdaudio1  iso9660  defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto  0  0
    /dev/cdrom /cdrom  iso9660  defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto  0  0
    /dev/cdrom1 /cdrom1  iso9660  defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto  0  0
    And I have symlinks for all my CDROM and DVD devices that "point" to my sr# devices...
    Like so:
    root@Morpheus:~# ls -la /dev/cdrom*
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            3 Jul  2 08:58 /dev/cdrom -> sr0
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            3 Jul  2 08:59 /dev/cdrom1 -> sr1
    root@Morpheus:~# ls -la /dev/cdaudio*
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            3 Jul  2 08:57 /dev/cdaudio -> sr0
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            3 Aug  7 10:19 /dev/cdaudio1 -> sr1
    root@Morpheus:~# ls -la /dev/dvd
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            3 Jul  2 08:57 /dev/dvd -> sr0
    to create a symlink, do the following, in a root Konsole screen:
    ln -sf linkto linkfrom

    Where "linkto" is the target for the link, and "linkfrom" is the source...

    So if you wanted to create a symbolic link, that is "forced" ( i.e. if a link already exists, remove it, and make this one, for it ) -=- between /dev/dvd and /dev/sr0 - do the following:

    ln -sf /dev/sr0 /dev/dvd

    With the above, using /dev/dvd would ultimately point to the "real" device on /dev/sr0 - the "symlink" here would make a nicer way of knowing what "device" is actually represents - a dvd device -=- whereas, sr0 doesn't give much of a clue what the actual device is, by name.

    Hope this helps,
    Ms. Cuddles

  3. #3
    Senior Member registered user
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    Here is what I get :

    root@3[knoppix]# ls -la /dev/dvd
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/dvd -> /dev/cdrom
    root@3[knoppix]# ls -la /dev/sr0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr0 -> scd0
    root@3[knoppix]# ls -la /dev/sr1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr1 -> scd1
    root@3[knoppix]# ls -la /dev/sr2
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr2 -> scd2
    root@3[knoppix]# ls -la /dev/cdrom1
    ls: /dev/cdrom1: No such file or directory
    root@3[knoppix]# ls -la /dev/cdrom
    ls: /dev/cdrom: No such file or directory

    That is how my fstab pretty much came. I changed the cdrom to sr0 and that made my cdrom work. I changed /dev/dvd/dvd to /dev/sr2/dvd and that did nothing for me. Now I'm trying to fix my dvd drive. It reads the dvd disc as files and won't play anything. I was wondering why I had 2 entries for the cdrom myself. So what do I need to change to get this to work?

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    sorryy to bother u guys in this topic but u seem very knowledagable about knoppix think u could help me with my problem please

  5. #5
    Senior Member registered user
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    just inform us of the exact nature of your problem and we will try (more polite to do it in a new post but..)

  6. #6
    Senior Member registered user
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    Re: Create a symlink from /dev/dvd to /dev/sr2

    Quote Originally Posted by rrfish72
    Trying to get dvd to play and this is what I was informaed to do. How is this done? Here is my fstab:

    # /etc/fstab: filesystem table.
    # filesystem mountpoint type options dump pass
    /dev/hda3 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1

    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
    /dev/fd0 /floppy vfat defaults,users,showexec,umask=022 0 0
    usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs defaults 0 0
    sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/sr0 /cdrom iso9660 defaults,users,noexec 0 0
    /dev/cdrom1 /cdrom1 iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/sr2 /dvd iso9660 defaults,ro,users,noexec 0 0
    /dev/cdaudio /cdaudio iso9660 defaults,ro,users,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/cdrom1 /mnt/auto/cdrom1 auto users,noauto,exec,ro 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ntfs noauto,users,exec,umask=000,uid=knoppix,gid=knoppi x 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5 ext2 users,exec 0 0

    Is this set right? Any help in resolving this would be appreciated.
    Hmm, I think a "re-vamp" is needed, considering your last post... I think the problem is, seeing your last post, you have /dev/dvd pointing to sr2, and /dev/cdrom pointing to sr0, but you have a symlink for /dev/dvd pointing to /dev/cdrom - thus, dvd is on sr2 but points to your cdrom device which is on sr0 - this is impossible.

    Your sr# links are suposed to be linked to scd# devices - mine are the same way,
    root@Morpheus:~# ls -la /dev/sr?
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Jul  2 07:02 /dev/sr0 -> scd0
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Aug  7 10:18 /dev/sr1 -> scd1
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Jul  2 07:02 /dev/sr2 -> scd2
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Jul  2 07:02 /dev/sr3 -> scd3
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Jul  2 07:02 /dev/sr4 -> scd4
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Jul  2 07:02 /dev/sr5 -> scd5
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Jul  2 07:02 /dev/sr6 -> scd6
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Jul  2 07:02 /dev/sr7 -> scd7
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Jul  2 07:02 /dev/sr8 -> scd8
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            4 Jul  2 07:02 /dev/sr9 -> scd9
    sr0 -> scd0 -=- sr1 -> scd1 -=- etc... So these are fine... Leave your sr# links as they are...

    Here is what I would do: ( do all of this in a root Konsole )

    1 ) Do a "cd /dev" - so that you are in the dev directory / folder
    2 ) Do a "umount /dev/device" on any mounted CD-ROM or DVD devices that are mounted. We are going to be changing some things, and don't want the devices mounted. So, if your DVD is mounted, you would want to do a "umount /dev/dvd" or something like that.
    3 ) I am still not sure what device you have connected to sr1, your fstab file appears to be for only devices sr0 and sr2, but "sr" numbers usually are sequencial, so, either sr2 is actually sr1, or something that is on sr1 isn't being included in your fstab.
    4 ) From what I can tell, from your fstab file, you have the following "mount points" -=- /cdrom /cdrom1 /dvd and lastly /cdaudio -=- if you do a "ls -la /" you should have these "mount points" as folders / directories off of the "/" ( root ) device.
    5 ) From what I can tell, from your fstab file, you have the following devices going to these mount points -=- /cdrom = sr0 -=- /cdrom1 = unknown -=- /dvd = sr2 -=- and lastly, /cdaudio = unknown. Whichever device has the "audio cable" connected to your sound card, is usally setup as your /cdaudio device. In my case, my dvd has the audio cable to my sound card, so, my /cdaudio links to my sr0, and my /dvd links to my sr0.

    First of all, we will only be "playing" with the fstab entries that are for your CD-ROM's and DVD devices, this is what you had:
    /dev/sr0 /cdrom  iso9660  defaults,users,noexec  0  0
    /dev/cdrom1 /cdrom1  iso9660  defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto  0  0
    /dev/sr2 /dvd  iso9660  defaults,ro,users,noexec  0  0
    /dev/cdaudio /cdaudio  iso9660  defaults,ro,users,noexec,noauto  0  0
    /dev/cdrom1 /mnt/auto/cdrom1  auto   users,noauto,exec,ro 0 0
    And this would be my suggestion:
    /dev/cdrom /cdrom  iso9660  defaults,users,noexec  0  0
    /dev/cdrom1 /cdrom1  iso9660  defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto  0  0
    /dev/dvd /dvd  iso9660  defaults,ro,users,noexec  0  0
    /dev/cdaudio /cdaudio  iso9660  defaults,ro,users,noexec,noauto  0  0
    # /dev/cdrom1 /mnt/auto/cdrom1  auto   users,noauto,exec,ro 0 0 - commented out...
    I would also check to make sure that you have the "mount point" folders in existance. You should have four folders in the / folder; dvd, cdrom, cdrom1, and cdaudio - if not, you will want to create these folders to hold the data/files/structure of there respective devices. You can do this with "mkdir [directoryname/foldername]" - so, if you don't have a /dvd folder, you would do the following in a root Konsole: mkdir /dvd

    Now, you will want to create those symlinks, that appear not to exist in your /dev folder...

    Going off what you have in your fstab, I can detect the entries for sr0 and sr2, but dont have a clue about sr1 - more input to determine what symlink that should be...

    We need a symlink for all the devices you mentioned in your fstab file. So we need a link for /dev/cdrom, /dev/cdrom1, /dev/dvd, and lastly, /dev/cdaudio

    So, still being in the /dev folder, in a root Konsole, we would do the following:

    ln -sf sr0 /dev/cdrom
    ln -sf sr2 /dev/dvd

    If your sr1 is the entries for /cdrom1 and/or /cdaudio then you would create those symlinks like this:

    ln -sf sr1 /dev/cdrom1
    ln -sf sr1 /dev/cdaudio

    If, on the other hand, your /cdrom1 and/or your /cdaudio are duplicates of either your /cdrom device or your /dvd device, then you would create the symlinks replacing the correct "sr#" in the above two commands.

    If this gets your cdrom and dvd working as they should be, I would then, go back to your fstab file, and remove the "duplicate" entry that we commented out above. I prefer to test by commenting out something, and not just "out right" deleting something. That way, if something goes "funny", you can always go back and un-comment out, if need be.

    So, after this, you should have the following symlinks:

    /dev/sr0 -> scd0
    /dev/sr2 -> scd2
    /dev/dvd -> sr2
    /dev/cdrom -> sr0
    /dev/cdrom1 -> unsure of this device, and can't guess to where it should go...
    /dev/cdaudio -> unsure of this device, and can't guess to where it should go...

    As far as the device to mount points go, this will be the outcome:

    /dev/dvd has a mount point of /dvd
    /dev/cdrom has a mount point of /cdrom
    /dev/cdrom1 has a mount point of /cdrom1
    and lastly
    /dev/cdaudio has a mount point of /cdaudio

    Hopefully, this is a little more descriptive of your devices, and the folders where, when these devices are mounted, all make sense, and the symbolic links have nice descriptive names for the devices, instead of having to deal with sr#'s or scd#'s -

    Hope this helps,
    Ms. Cuddles

  7. #7
    Senior Member registered user
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    Now this is what I get when I try a cd:

    Could not mount device.
    The reported error was:
    mount: Too many levels of symbolic links

    And this for a dvd:

    Could not mount device.
    The reported error was:
    mount: /dev/dvd is not a valid block device

    I changed the icon to point to /dev/cdrom1 and it gives me a Play Files window with directories on one side and files on the other. What do I do there?

    I changed the fstab:
    /dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,users,noexec 0 0
    /dev/cdrom1 /cdrom1 iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/dvd /dvd iso9660 defaults,ro,users,noexec 0 0
    /dev/cdaudio /cdaudio iso9660 defaults,ro,users,noexec,noauto 0 0
    #/dev/cdrom1 /mnt/auto/cdrom1 auto users,noauto,exec,ro 0 0

    and did all the symlinks:
    rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Aug 8 14:19 /dev/sr0 -> /dev/scd0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr1 -> scd1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr2 -> scd2
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr3 -> scd3
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr4 -> scd4
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr5 -> scd5
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr6 -> scd6
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr7 -> scd7
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr8 -> scd8
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr9 -> scd9

    The only thing funny I see is the sr0 entry. How do I change that?

  8. #8
    Senior Member registered user
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    Ok, I can see a few typo's, my mistake, in the fstab file:

    change these two lines in your fstab file:
    /dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,users,noexec 0 0
    /dev/dvd /dvd iso9660 defaults,ro,users,noexec 0 0
    to the following: ( we want the two devices to be noauto - so they don't automatically mount )
    /dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,users,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/dvd /dvd iso9660 defaults,ro,users,noexec,noauto 0 0
    ALSO, while you are changing the fstab file, make sure that your dvd, cdrom, and cdaudio entries have the ,noauto and also have ,users and ,ro in them - the "noauto" means that the device is not automatically mounted, the "ro" will only mount the device as Read-Only, and you want them all to be the same, using "users".

    To get that funny sr0 symlink corrected, go into a root Konsole window, do a cd /dev, and then do the following:
    ln -sf scd0 /dev/sr0
    do me a favor, I need to get a complete picture of what is set, how it is set, and what you have...
    After doing the above, copy and paste the following information into a reply here: ( run each command in a root Konsole window, and copy/paste the output of all the commands into a reply here. )

    cat /etc/fstab
    ls -la /dev/sr?
    ls -la /dev/cdrom*
    ls -la /dev/cdaudio*
    ls -ls /dev/dvd*

    I don't think you can "view" a dvd, you can "play" a dvd device, with a dvd in the device, but you can't open the dvd and look at the files - you can open a cd-rom device if it has data on the cd, but if it is a audio cd, you won't be able to "view" it, but will be able to "play" the audio cd. If the dvd device has a DATA CD in it, then you should be able to open and view the files, but not if it has a DVD in the device.

    I use Xine, or Caffeine, to view/play dvd media, I use XMMS, or Caffeine, to play audio CD's, if my DVD or CD-ROM devices have a DATA CD in them, then I can open them to view the files.

    I think we need to look at all the symlinks, with what you have in fstab, to find out about the errors you are getting - the symlink too many levels error has to mean that we have a long chain of symlinks for our access -=- which shouldn't be that many - we should have a symlink chain like such: /dvd/dvd -> /dev/sr2 -> /dev/scd2 -=- all your other cdrom devices should be "closely" the same length as this, which is not that long.

    If you want to test the access of your dvd or cdrom devices, you should load a data cd into the device, and then you should be able to "mount" the device, and open the device to view the files. If you load a audio cd into either device, then you should use a program that plays audio cd's to access the device, and it should play the audio cd, like KsCD, Caffiene, or XMMS. If you load a DVD into the /dev/dvd device, you should use a program that plays DVD media to access the device, and it should play the DVD, like Xine, or Caffeine, etc...

    The fstab file changes we are making are for access to DATA CD's in the cdrom and dvd devices - not for playing DVD's or playing AUDIO CD's - though I think the /dev/dvd and the /dev/cdaudio devices are used for the player programs to locate the "proper" devices from within the respective programs. i.e. a DVD player program will try and use the device /dvd when you ask it to play a dvd. Whereas, XMMS will look for /cdrom devices for audio.

    For this testing, we should be using DATA CD's in both devices, since we are changing entries in the fstab file, if you have any "icons" on your desktop that "point" to the cdrom, cdaudio, or dvd devices, you should delete them, and make them new - icons store the mount point in them, and since the last edit we made did change some of those mount points, the icons would need to be changed to reflect those changes too. You can either delete the icons and make new ones, or, you can edit the "properties" of the icons and make sure that they are pointing to the correct "mount point".

    I'll be waiting for the output of the information requested, and maybe we can get you running ( I know we can, it just is taking longer than I expected )

    Ms. Cuddles

  9. #9
    Senior Member registered user
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    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 9 21:05 /dev/sr0 -> scd0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr1 -> scd1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr2 -> scd2
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr3 -> scd3
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr4 -> scd4
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr5 -> scd5
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr6 -> scd6
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr7 -> scd7
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr8 -> scd8
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Aug 6 02:05 /dev/sr9 -> scd9

    root@0[etc]# ls -la /dev/cdrom*
    ls: /dev/cdrom*: No such file or directory
    root@0[etc]# ls -la /dev/cdaudio*
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Aug 8 20:27 /dev/cdaudio -> sr1
    root@0[etc]# ls -ls /dev/dvd*
    0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Aug 8 20:27 /dev/dvd -> sr2

    After I did mkdir /dev/cdrom:

    root@0[etc]# ls -la /dev/cdrom
    total 40
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 9 21:12 .
    drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 36864 Aug 9 21:12 ..

    What is that?

    I don't know if this is right, again.

    And now this is what I get :

    Could not mount device.
    The reported error was:
    mount: special device /dev/cdrom1 does not exist

    Could not mount device.
    The reported error was:
    mount: /dev/dvd is not a valid block device

  10. #10
    Senior Member registered user
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    Salt Lake City, UT, U.S.A.
    Ok, here is what we need to do:

    Do the following in a root Konsole:

    rmdir /dev/cdrom
    mkdir /cdrom
    mkdir /dvd
    mkdir /cdaudio
    mkdir /cdrom1

    When you do the mkdir commands, you might get an error reporting that the "File exists", that is fine, I just want to make sure you have the Devices "Mount Points" folders existing.

    Please -=- I need two pieces of information from you -=- One I asked for in my last posting, and it was not supplied, and the other, I have yet to find, or know, what they should link to... SO,

    Please post the output of cat /etc/fstab - and lastly:

    Please fill me in on the following devices should "ultimately" point to what sr#

    dvd = sr2 ?
    cdrom = sr0 ?
    cdrom1 = ?
    cdaudio = sr1 ?

    Let me take a guess on your hardware... You have two CD-ROM devices, and a DVD device, in essense, sr0, sr1, and sr2 -=- am I right????? ( if so, then /dev/cdrom1 should point to sr1 -=- right ????? )

    One last detail, when you are testing these devices, are you putting a DATA CD into the device to have it open with, or are you placing AUDIO or DVD discs into the device?

    Ms. Cuddles

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Custom  Server 15

Custom Server 15" Depth X11SSH-F E3-1270 V6 3.8Ghz 4 Core - 128GB NVME 32GB RAM


1U BareMetal pfsense opnsense Router Firewall DNS Server 6x 10GB Ethernet Ports picture

1U BareMetal pfsense opnsense Router Firewall DNS Server 6x 10GB Ethernet Ports


Australia Linux Server- 32 GB RAM + 500 HDD + 6 Core processor picture

Australia Linux Server- 32 GB RAM + 500 HDD + 6 Core processor


POGO Linux WEBWARE 1150 Rack-Mount Server Pentium 4 2.8GHz 512MB - No Drives picture

POGO Linux WEBWARE 1150 Rack-Mount Server Pentium 4 2.8GHz 512MB - No Drives


IBM Power8 S822L 20-Core 3.42GHz 256Gb 1.2Tb 40G Elastic Storage Server 5148-22L picture

IBM Power8 S822L 20-Core 3.42GHz 256Gb 1.2Tb 40G Elastic Storage Server 5148-22L


IBM 8247-21L S812L 10-core 3.42 GHz 128GB 2x 300gb 12x SFF Power8 Linux Server picture

IBM 8247-21L S812L 10-core 3.42 GHz 128GB 2x 300gb 12x SFF Power8 Linux Server



PFSENSE 15" Depth Server Router Firewall Supermicro X11SSH-F E3-1240 V5 32GB RAM


The Complete Redhat Linux 5.2 Operating System Deluxe Secure Server New Sealed picture

The Complete Redhat Linux 5.2 Operating System Deluxe Secure Server New Sealed


SQL Server 2022 Standard Unlimited Cores picture

SQL Server 2022 Standard Unlimited Cores


1U 10 Bay Supermicro Server X10DRW-iT 2x E5-2650 V4 128GB DDR4 2x PCI-E Riser 16 picture

1U 10 Bay Supermicro Server X10DRW-iT 2x E5-2650 V4 128GB DDR4 2x PCI-E Riser 16
