
I have installed knoppix to hd, using the tohd cheat, and normally boot with fromhd, home and myconfig cheats.

My problem is that I have a 'weird' graphics card in my laptop, so the only way I even get a screen is by using xmodule and screen cheats. Then I only get 800x600.

Good news is that I found a XF86Config-4 file that supposedly will make my graphics card being recognised.

Problem is that I don't know how to get this file to be read on startup (I'm a newbie to Linux and Knoppix..)

The only place I found this file was in a archive called configs.tbz, since I figured I may have problem editing this (since I believe it is mounted somehow when read from hd??? There is no /etc/xx folderstructure on my harddrive), I rebooted with minimal cheats, ie, using vanilla cd (not using the hd files at all).

I then opened a console, changed to root (su) mounted my mnt/hda1 (harddrive) with read write privilegies (mount hda1 -o rw), changed rights (chmod 777 configs.tbz) and made a successful copy to another file in the same directory.

I then used a graphical compression software, and was able to browse the contents of configs.tbz. Problem is, when I choose the XF86.. file to view/edit or extract, nothing happens. Editors come up blank, and nothing happens on extract.

Is there anyway I can edit this tbz file, or can I perhaps put this file somewhere else, where it will override the one in the tbz file?

Please keep in mind I'm a newbie, so any suggestions should be very step by step!

Thanks so much, great forum by the way!
