For those of you who want to try out the new FreeNX server without having to install Knoppix 3.6 you can now do so. I happened to see the following post over at by mornfall.

The original link with some helpful followup is here:


Hello, we have intermittent server hassles (migrating to a different box: changing dns, moving the data, etc). I hope we'll be back up fully operational tonight. In the meanwhile, there is the news item from the site:

23.08.2004: FreeNX packages in experimental

The long awaited FreeNX server is finally here! Apt-get it from:

deb experimental main

After installing it (by =apt-get install nxserver=), run, as root =nxsetup=, then add your users (again as root), like "nxserver --adduser <username>" and "nxserver --passwd <username>". The user must exist in the system database first. When you have done this, you can run nxclient (get it from