Ok, I have system with a firewire port, but the BIOS doesn't support booting from a Firewire device.

I'm looking for a Boot Manager that I can boot to from my internal CD-ROM and then tell it to boot the system from my external firewire drive. The reason I'm looking to do this is because my internal drive is SLOW... like 24x, and my Firewire drive is a good 52X.

I have the Ultimate Boot CD but that doesn't support firewire.

Also, I'm having trouble with Knoppix 3.6 (8/16/04) with my current drive. It seems it takes forever for it to do anything, and my CD-ROM's read light is always on. I have checked the MD5 of the ISO before burning so I don't think its a bad burn. I've even tried burning twice just in case.

Any ideas? This would also be good for me to reinstall things like Windows XP and such.