So far, so good. This is the best release so far, for me. It has solved one MAJOR annoyance on my system: vertical refresh. On my other system (Celeron 466/SiS620/on-board video) I could get 75 Hz refresh @1024x768. On my friend's system (AMD 1800+/SiS735/GeForce 256) , I could get 85 Hz at the same resolution -- but on my system (AMD 1800+/AMD761/GeForce2 MX), I could only get 60 Hz. That's now fixed; I'm getting 85 Hz -- I think it's the new XFree86 version.

The new fonts are really clean. The new pointers and cursors are an improvement, though I have mixed feelings about the drop shadows. is fixed. Mozilla is up to 1.3 -- cool!

It looks like the Config file format is changed -- trying to load mine from the last version seems to have confused KDE, but I'm not surprised and only mildly disappointed..

This is the version I'm going to install to HD, and my transition away from Win98 SE will accelerate.