Someone, again, tell me how I get back into KDE???

I did a Synaptic "upgrade" within it, and had to "force-feed", multiple times, remove / install "frozen-bubble" - but finally got all "upgrade-able packages to get upgraded...

When I rebooted, I am stuck in the "textual login" screen, and cant seem to get my GUI, KDE, to come up...

As a side note, before rebooting and getting stuck in "textual" land, I did notice that the "dist-upgrade" within Synaptic, left my menus a little less than what they used to be... In particual, I have a good many Games, like Pingus, which does NOT show up in the menu anymore, but can be accessed through CLI, so the menu entry has dissappeared mysteriously now, plus a lot of other installed programs ( from the menu, that is )...

So, summary of needs:
( 1 ) Get back into KDE, and get the GUI Login back on boot-up...
( 2 ) Get my original programs that are installed already, back into the menus, where they used to be...

Any and all help, is greatly appreciated, in this concern,
Ms. Cuddles