Debian. My particular flavor, Kanotix sid. Been on a little distro whoring spree and frankly nothing else can touch the apt package install system.

First tried SUSE. Yast, I am sorry is very overrated and like every other downloadable-version of a commercial distro is intent on installing pkgs from cd or forget it. Yes, I got it going but it is still clunky, clumsy, non-intuitive. Apt has it beat hands-down and kpackage leaves Yast in dust.

Now trying Mandrake. Nopers, same deal. First you have the elusive CD4 (which can be remedied) on the downloadable version. It is tied so heavily to CD apron strings for installing it's just annoying as hell. Even the things that come on CD, it felt like I was playing that sequel to Myst (name escapes me) where you are changing CDs every other click or so. And for whatever reason I was stuck in KDE 3.2 land - totally not me.

Haven't tried Fedora yet, have the iso's but if it is as disappointing as the other rpm package distros I don't think it is worth the time for the install. Only plus is that all the redhat experts at work may be able to provide some more help than on my debian based distros. But I manage.