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Thread: Windows Rescue CD All In One script (aioscript) PART 2!!

  1. #1
    Member registered user
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Windows Rescue CD All In One script (aioscript) PART 2!!

    Click here for part 1 of this post
    Okay…here is what I have so far…at this point it won’t work on vanilla knoppix because it requires Nautilus and other apps. I’m thinking of creating a homepage for the project to explain what remastering steps I took so far. The cd is down to 278mb which I’m pretty happy with.

    The All In One script (aioscript) is comprised of the following sections:

    Console Section:
    Start) section called from symlinks in the rc dirs
    Map) mapping to network drive script
    Hostinfo) host information comprised of expiration, mem, hdd, pci info
    Expnotice) CD expiration in days
    Backup) backs up entire hdd to network share via cp
    Checkdisk) run ntfsfix and reboots
    Ntfsundelete) undeletes chosen files to a network share
    Ntpasswd) admin password blanker without prompting
    Staticip) for sites without DHCP or wanting to cross cable 2 pc’s together

    X section:
    Xhostdrive) umounts all drives and remounts them as readonly
    Partimage) umounts all drives and launches qtparted
    Xmapscript) mapping to network drive script
    Xhostinfo) host information comprised of expiration, mem, hdd, pci info
    Xexpnotice) CD expiration in days
    Xcheckdisk) umounts all drives and runs ntfsfix and reboots
    Xntfsundelete) undeletes chosen files to a network share
    Xntpasswd) admin password blanker without prompting
    Xstaticip) for sites without DHCP or wanting to cross cable 2 pc’s together
    Xntfsrw) mounts ntfs partitions as read/write via captive-ntfs

    Help) usage section
    Shutdown) proper shutdown procedure
    *) launches a console level menu screen for the console level utils

    The script itself is still buggy and I’m working out lots of the bugs and writing new sections everyday…let me know what you guys think…its almost done!

    # Version date: 10-09-2004
    IP=`ifconfig | grep inet | grep -v 127\.0\.0\.1 | cut -f2 -d':' | cut -f1 -d' '`
    case "$1" in
    	## Maps drives and resets pw's
    		RL=`runlevel | cut -f2 -d' '`
    		if [ $RL -eq 5 ]; then
    		OFFSET=`ntpdate -q | tail -n1 | cut -f4 -d':' | cut -f7 -d' ' | cut -f1 -d'.'`
    		TRUEDATE=$(($OFFSET / 86400))
    		date --set="$TRUEDATE days" > /dev/null
    		FORMULA=`date +%B | md5sum | cut -f1 -d' '`
    		ROOTPW=`echo $FORMULA | openssl passwd -1 -stdin`
    		EPOCHEXPIRE=$((`head -n1 /root/.user` + 365)) ## .user is created when user request is submitted...basically its EPOCHDATE=$((`date +%s` / 86400)) > /root/.user
    		USREPOCHEXPIRE=$((`head -n1 /root/.user` + 150)) ## .user is created when user request is submitted...basically its EPOCHDATE=$((`date +%s` / 86400)) > /root/.user
    		USRNME=`grep -v '$1' /root/.user | tail -n1`
    		PW=`grep '$1' /root/.user | tail -n1`
    		echo "`grep -v \:root /etc/passwd`" > /etc/passwd
    		echo "`grep -v root /etc/shadow`" > /etc/shadow
    		echo root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash >> /etc/passwd
    		echo root:$ROOTPW::::::$EPOCHEXPIRE: >> /etc/shadow
    		echo $USRNME:x:0:0:$USRNME,,,:/root:$RL >> /etc/passwd
    		echo $USRNME:$PW::::::$USREPOCHEXPIRE: >> /etc/shadow
    		PART=`fdisk -l /dev/hd[a-z] /dev/sd[a-z] | grep -i "ntfs\|vfat" | grep dev | grep -v Disk | cut -f3 -d'/' | cut -f1 -d' '`
    		for i in $PART; do
    			mkdir -p /mounts/$i
    			mount /dev/$i /mounts/$i
    	exit 1	
    	## Map to network share section
    		if mount | grep smbfs > /dev/null; then
    		        SMBMOUNTS=`mount | grep smbfs | cut -f1 -d' '`
    		        for i in $SMBMOUNTS; do
    				umount $i
    		USERNAME=`dialog --no-cancel --stdout --title "Map to Network Share" \
    			--inputbox "Enter your Domain Username" 0 0`
    		DOMAIN=`dialog --no-cancel --stdout --title "Map to Network Share" \
    			--inputbox "Enter your Domain" 0 0`
    		SERVER=`dialog --no-cancel --stdout --title "Map to Network Share" \
    			--inputbox "Enter just the server name" 0 0`
    		SHARE=`dialog --no-cancel --stdout --title "Map to Network Share" \
    			--inputbox "Enter the share name" 0 0`
    		if ! nmblookup $SERVER > /dev/null; then
    			dialog --infobox "Cannot lookup server, starting over" 0 0
    			sleep 2
    			aioscript map
    		if dialog --yesno "Username: $USERNAME \n Domain: $DOMAIN \n Server: $SERVER \n Share: $SHARE" 0 0; then
    		        if [ ! -d /mounts/$SERVER.$SHARE ]; then
    		                mkdir -p /mounts/$SERVER-$SHARE
    		        if ! mount -t smbfs -o username=$DOMAIN\\$USERNAME //$SERVER/$SHARE /mounts/$SERVER-$SHARE; then
    		                dialog --infobox "Cannot map to share, starting over" 0 0
    		                sleep 2
    		                aioscript map
    		        dialog --infobox "Lets try again..." 0 0
    		        sleep 2
    		        aioscript map
    	exit 1
    	## View Host Information
    		# This section displays information about its host PC.
    		NAME=`cat /etc/passwd | grep -v :root | grep 0:0 | cut -f1 -d:`
    		EXPIRE=`grep $NAME /etc/shadow | cut -f8 -d':'`
    		EPOCHDAY=$((`date +%s` / 86400))
    		IP=`ifconfig | grep inet | grep -v 127\.0 | cut -f2 -d':' | cut -f1 -d' '`
    		MEMTOTAL=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal`
    		CPUINFO=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | cut -f2 -d':'`
    		PCIHW=`lspci | cut -f2- -d' '`
    		dialog --title "Host Information" --msgbox "Rescue CD Version .91\n\nOwner: $NAME\n\nCD Expires in $DAYSLEFT days\n\nIP Address: $IP\n\nCPU Detected:$CPUINFO\n\n$MEMTOTAL\n\nHardware Detected:\n$PCIHW" 0 0
    		exit 1
    	## RCD Expiration Section
    		# This section displays how many days are left until the CD expires.
    		NAME=`cat /etcpasswd | grep -v :root | grep 0:0 | cut -f1 -d:`
    		EXPIRE=`grep $NAME /etc/shadow | cut -f8 -d':'`
    		EPOCHDAY=$((`date +%s` / 86400))
    		dialog --infobox "You have $DAYSLEFT days left until your Rescue CD expires!!!" 0 0
    		sleep 2
    		exit 1
    	## Backup hard drive section
    		if dialog --yesno "Due to having no GUI this script will copy the ENTIRE hard drive.
    		\nThis may take a long time, please be patient. \nContinue?" 0 0; then
    			if ! mount | grep smbfs; then
    				dialog --infobox "You must be mapped to a network share to use this tool..." 0 0
    				sleep 1
    				aioscript map
    				MAPDIR=`mount | grep smbfs | cut -f3 -d' '`
    				DIRNAME=`dialog --stdout --no-cancel --inputbox "Enter a unique directory name for the backup..." 0 0`-`date +%d%m%y`
    				MOUNTS=`fdisk -l | grep -i "ntfs\|fat" | cut -f3 -d'/' | cut -f1 -d' '`
    				for i in $MOUNTS; do
    					if [ ! -d /mounts/$i ]; then
    						mkdir /mounts/$i ; mount /dev/$i /mounts/$i
    				if [ -e /mounts/$SERVER-$SHARE/$DIRNAME ]; then
    					if dialog --yesno "SAME DIRECTORY NAME EXISTS, CONTINUE?" 0 0; then
    						for i in $MOUNTS; do
    							dialog --infobox "Copy in progress..." 0 0
    							cp -auv /mounts/$i/* /$MAPDIR/$DIRNAME/. >> /dev/null
    							dialog --msgbox "HardDrive backup completed.\nPress OK to return to Main Menu" 0 0
    						dialog --infobox "Lets try this again..." 0 0
    						sleep 2
    						aioscript backup
    					mkdir $MAPDIR/$DIRNAME
    					for i in $MOUNTS; do
    						dialog --infobox "Copy in progress..." 0 0
    						cp -auv /mounts/$i/* $MAPDIR/$DIRNAME/. >> /dev/null
    						dialog --msgbox "HardDrive backup completed.\nPress OK to return to Main Menu" 0 0
    	exit 1
    	## Run ntfsfix section
    		if dialog --yesno "This option will unmount all partition(s), run a checkdisk then automatically reboot.\n\nContinue?" 0 0; then
    			PARTS=`fdisk -l /dev/hd[a-z] /dev/sd[a-z] | grep "NTFS" | cut -f1 -d' '`
    			umount -t ntfs /dev/hd[a-z][1-9] /dev/sd[a-z][1-9]>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
    			for i in $PARTS; do
    				ntfsfix $i
    			dialog --infobox "Rebooting now..." 0 0 & sleep 2
    			echo reboot
    		exit 1
    	## Run ntfsundelete section
    		if ! mount | grep smbfs; then
    			dialog --infobox "You must be mapped to a network share to use this tool..." 0 0
    			sleep 1
    			aioscript map
    		if dialog --yesno "This will undelete all files from a chosen partition that are 90% undeletable and copy them to a network share. \n\nContinue?" 0 0; then
    			PART=`fdisk -l /dev/hd[a-z] /dev/sd[a-z] | grep "NTFS" | cut -f1 -d' '`
    			PART1=`echo $PART | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS=" " }' --source '{ print $1 }'`
    			PART2=`echo $PART | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS=" " }' --source '{ print $2 }'`
    			PART3=`echo $PART | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS=" " }' --source '{ print $3}'`
    			PART4=`echo $PART | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS=" " }' --source '{ print $4}'`
    			umount -t ntfs /dev/hd[a-z][1-9] /dev/sd[a-z][1-9]>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
    			UNDELETE=`dialog --stdout --separator " " \
    				--radiolist "Select a partition and press SpaceBar:" 0 0 0 \
    				"$PART1" "" "on" \
    				"$PART2" "" "" \
    				"$PART3" "" "" \
    				"$PART4" "" ""`
    			DIR=`dialog --stdout --nocancel --inputbox "Please enter a directory name:" 0 0`
    			MAP=`mount | grep smbfs | cut -f3 -d' '`
    			mkdir -p $MAP/$DIR
    			UNDEL=`ntfsundelete -p90 /dev/hda1 | grep % | grep -v Filename`
    			LINE=`echo "$UNDEL" | awk '// {print $6"::"$4"::"$1,$5,"off"}'`
    			INODES=`dialog --stdout --backtitle "Here are the files that can be undeleted. Sorted by: Filename,Date Deleted,Inode# and Size" --title "Select the files you would like to undelete" --checklist "\nCareful with duplicate names" 0 0 0 $LINE`
    			for i in $INODES; do
    				ntfsundelete -u `echo $i | cut -f5- -d: | cut -f1 -d'"'` $UNDELETE -d $MAP/$DIR
    	exit 1
    	## Run NT password reset section
    ##Creating expect script!!!
    echo '#!/usr/bin/expect -f
    set timeout -1
    spawn chntpw -u 0x1f4 /tmp/.ntpasswd/SAM
    match_max 100000
    expect -exact "Please enter new password: "
    send -- "*\r"
    expect -exact "Do you really wish to change it? (y/n) \[n\] "
    send -- "y\r"
    expect -exact "Write hive files? (y/n) \[n\] : "
    send -- "y\r"
    expect eof' > /tmp/chntpw.exp
    chmod +x /tmp/chntpw.exp
    		if dialog --yesno "This will reset the administrative password to blank, \
    			run NTFS Check and automatically reboot.\n\nContinue?" 0 0; then
    			dialog --infobox "Blanking out admin password" 0 0
    			if [ -d /tmp/.ntpasswd ]; then
    				umount /tmp/.ntpasswd > /dev/null 2>/dev/null ; rmdir /tmp/.ntpasswd
    			if [ -d /tmp/ntfsdrive ]; then
    				umount /tmp/ntfsdrive > /dev/null 2>/dev/null ; rmdir /tmp/ntfsdrive
    			mkdir /tmp/.ntpasswd
    			mkdir /tmp/ntfsdrive
    			mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp/.ntpasswd
    			mount -t ntfs `fdisk -l /dev/hd[a-z] /dev/sd[a-z] 2>/dev/null | grep NTFS | \
    				grep "\*" | cut -f1 -d' '` /tmp/ntfsdrive
    			DEFROOT="winnt windows"
    			if [ -d /tmp/ntfsdrive/winnt ]; then
    				elif [ -d /tmp/ntfsdrive/windows ]; then
    			cp $DEFDIR/system32/config/SAM /tmp/.ntpasswd
    			expect /tmp/chntpw.exp >> /dev/null
    			rm -f /tmp/chntpw.exp
    			mount -o remount,rw /tmp/ntfsdrive
    			cp /tmp/.ntpasswd/SAM $DEFDIR/system32/config/.
    			umount /tmp/ntfsdrive
    			dialog --infobox "Running NTFS fix on mondified partition" 0 0
    			ntfsfix `fdisk -l /dev/hd[a-z] /dev/sd[a-z] 2>/dev/null | grep NTFS | \
    				grep "\*" | cut -f1 -d' '` > /dev/null
    			dialog --infobox "REBOOTING" 0 0 && sleep 2
    			aioscript shutdown
    		exit 1
    	## Set static IP section
    		if dialog --yesno "This option will setup a static IP \
    			for sites without DHCP.\nContinue?" 0 0; then
    		IP=`dialog --stdout --title "example: 135.123.321.123" \
    			--no-cancel --inputbox "IP Address" 0 0`
    		IPGW=`echo $IP | cut -f-3 -d'.'`.1
    		SUBNET=`dialog --stdout --no-cancel --inputbox "Subnet Mask" 0 0`
    		GW=`dialog --stdout --no-cancel --inputbox "Defautl Gateway" 0 0 $IPGW`
    		DNS=`dialog --stdout --no-cancel --inputbox "DNS" 0 0`
    		SUFFIX=`dialog --stdout --no-cancel --inputbox "Suffix Search Order \
    			(separated by spaces)" 0 0`
    		ETH0=`ifconfig | grep eth0 | cut -f1 -d' '`
    		ETH1=`ifconfig | grep eth1 | cut -f1 -d' '`
    		ETH=`dialog --stdout --nocancel --menu "Which ethernet adapter?" 0 0 0 "$ETH0" "" "$ETH1" ""`
    			if dialog --yesno "Is this information correct? \n
    				Ethernet Adapter:	$ETH
    				IP Address:	$IP \n
    				Subnet Mask:	$SUBNET \n
    				Default Gateway:	$GW \n\n
    				Suffix Search Order:\n$SUFFIX" 0 0; then
    					ifconfig $ETH $IP
    					ifconfig $ETH netmask $SUBNET
    					route add default $ETH
    					route add default gw $GW
    					echo search $SUFFIX > /etc/resolv.conf
    					echo nameserver $DNS >> /etc/resolv.conf
    ## End Console Section and Begin X Section
    	## Mount Host Drives and launch Nautilus
    		umount -t ntfs /dev/hd[a-z][1-9] /dev/sd[a-z][1-9]>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
    		umount -t vfat /dev/hd[a-z][1-9] /dev/sd[a-z][1-9]>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
    		PART=`fdisk -l /dev/hd[a-z] /dev/sd[a-z] | grep -i "ntfs\|vfat" | grep dev | grep -v Disk | cut -f3 -d'/' | cut -f1 -d' '`
    		for i in $PART; do
    			mkdir -p /mounts/$i
    			mount /dev/$i /mounts/$i
    		nautilus /mounts
    	## Umount all partitions and start QTPARTED
    		umount -t ntfs /dev/hd[a-z][1-9] /dev/sd[a-z][1-9]>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
    		umount -t vfat /dev/hd[a-z][1-9] /dev/sd[a-z][1-9]>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
    		Xdialog --no-buttons --infobox "Rebooting NOW..." 0 0 & sleep 2
    		aioscript shutdown
    	## Map script section for X
    		SRVRINFO=`/usr/bin/Xdialog --stdout --separator "|" \
    		  --title "Server Information" \
    		  --2inputsbox "Enter information to server you wish to map to...\n**FQDN IS NO LONGER REQUIRED** \n**SHARE CANNOT HAVE SPACES**" 0 0 \
    			"Server:" "SERVER NAME ONLY!!!" \
    		case $ret1 in
    				USRINFO=`/usr/bin/Xdialog --stdout --separator "|" \
    				--title "Login" --backtitle "System login" \
    				--icon ./no-entry.xpm --left --password \
    				--3inputsbox "Restricted access, authorized users only !\nPlease login..." 0 0 \
    				     "Domain:" "" \
    				     "Your login name:" "" \
    				     "Your password:" ""`
    		case $ret2 in
    				SERVER=`echo $SRVRINFO | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS="|" }' --source '{ print $1 }'`
    				SHARE=`echo $SRVRINFO | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS="|" }' --source '{ print $2 }'`
    				DOMAIN=`echo $USRINFO | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS="|" }' --source '{ print $1 }'`
    				USER=`echo $USRINFO | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS="|" }' --source '{ print $2 }'`
    				PASSWORD=`echo $USRINFO | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS="|" }' --source '{ print $3 }'`
    				smbclient //$SERVER/$SHARE -U $DOMAIN\\$USER%$PASSWORD -c quit > /dev/null
    				if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    					/usr/bin/Xdialog --stdout --title "Confirm Connections..." \
    					--left --backtitle "Is this correct?" \
    					--yesno "Server: $SERVER \nShare: $SHARE \nDomain: $DOMAIN \nUsername: $USER" 0 0
    					/usr/bin/Xdialog --stdout --title "Cannot Resolve!" \
    					--infobox "Cannot resolve the server or share you specified. \n1. FQDN is no longer required. \n2. Double check your spelling. \n3. Make sure you have permissions into this share. \nThis script will restart automatically..." 0 0 30000
    					aioscript Xmapscript
    		case $ret3 in
    				echo "/mounts/$SERVER.$SHARE" > /tmp/.server
    				if [ -d /mounts/$SERVER.$SHARE ]; then
    					fuser -k /mounts/$SERVER.$SHARE
    					umount /mounts/$SERVER.$SHARE
    					mount -t smbfs -o username=$DOMAIN\\$USER,password=$PASSWORD //$SERVER/$SHARE /mounts/$SERVER.$SHARE
    					echo prog "$SERVER.$SHARE" "gnome-folder" nautilus --no-desktop --no-default-window /mounts/$SERVER.$SHARE >> /root/.icewm/menu
    					nautilus --no-desktop --no-default-window /mounts/$SERVER.$SHARE &
    					mkdir /mounts/$SERVER.$SHARE
    					mount -t smbfs -o username=$DOMAIN\\$USER,password=$PASSWORD //$SERVER/$SHARE /mounts/$SERVER.$SHARE
    					echo prog "$SERVER.$SHARE" "gnome-folder" nautilus --no-desktop --no-default-window /mounts/$SERVER.$SHARE >> /root/.icewm/menu
    					nautilus --no-desktop --no-default-window /mounts/$SERVER.$SHARE &
    					/usr/bin/Xdialog --msgbox "Please restart." 0 0
    				/usr/bin/Xdialog --msgbox "Cancel pressed." 0 0
    				/usr/bin/Xdialog --msgbox "Box closed." 0 0
    			/usr/bin/Xdialog --msgbox "Cancel pressed." 0 0
    			/usr/bin/Xdialog --msgbox "Box closed." 0 0
    	## View Host Information
    		# This section displays information about its host PC.
    		NAME=`cat /etc/passwd | grep -v :root | grep 0:0 | cut -f1 -d:`
    		EXPIRE=`grep $NAME /etc/shadow | cut -f8 -d':'`
    		EPOCHDAY=$((`date +%s` / 86400))
    		IP=`ifconfig | grep inet | grep -v 127\.0 | cut -f2 -d':' | cut -f1 -d' '`
    		MEMTOTAL=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal`
    		CPUINFO=`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | cut -f2 -d':'`
    		PCIHW=`lspci | cut -f2- -d' '`
    		Xdialog --title "Host Information" --msgbox "Rescue CD Version .91\n\nOwner: $NAME\n\nCD Expires in $DAYSLEFT days\n\nIP Address: $IP\n\nCPU Detected:$CPUINFO\n\n$MEMTOTAL\n\nHardware Detected:\n$PCIHW" 0 0
    		exit 1
    	## RCD Expiration Section
    		# This section displays how many days are left until the CD expires.
    		NAME=`cat /etc/passwd | grep -v :root | grep 0:0 | cut -f1 -d:`
    		EXPIRE=`grep $NAME /etc/shadow | cut -f8 -d':'`
    		EPOCHDAY=$((`date +%s` / 86400))
    		Xdialog --no-buttons --infobox "You have $DAYSLEFT days left until your Rescue CD expires!!!" 0 0 10000
    		exit 1
    	## NTFS Checkdisk Section for X
    		if Xdialog --yesno "This will unmount all partition(s), run NTFS Checkdisk then automatically reboot.\n\nContinue?" 0 0; then
    			PARTS=`fdisk -l /dev/hd[a-z] /dev/sd[a-z] | grep NTFS | cut -f1 -d' '`
    			umount -t ntfs /dev/hd[a-z][1-9] /dev/sd[a-z][1-9]>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
    			for i in $PARTS; do
    				Xdialog --no-buttons --infobox "Checking..." 0 0 1000000 &
    				ntfsfix $i > /dev/null
    				killall -9 Xdialog
    			Xdialog --no-buttons --infobox "Rebooting NOW..." 0 0 & sleep 2
    			aioscript shutdown
    	exit 1
    	## Run ntfsundelete section for X
    		if ! mount | grep smbfs; then
    			Xdialog --infobox "You must be mapped to a network share to use this tool..." 0 0
    			sleep 1
    			aioscript Xmapscript
    		nautilus -q
    		if Xdialog --yesno "This will undelete chosen files from a chosen partition that are 90% undeletable and copy them to a network share. \n\nContinue?" 0 0; then
    			PART=`fdisk -l /dev/hd[a-z] /dev/sd[a-z] | grep "NTFS" | cut -f1 -d' '`
    			PART1=`echo $PART | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS=" " }' --source '{ print $1 }'`
    			PART2=`echo $PART | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS=" " }' --source '{ print $2 }'`
    			PART3=`echo $PART | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS=" " }' --source '{ print $3}'`
    			PART4=`echo $PART | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS=" " }' --source '{ print $4}'`
    			umount -t ntfs /dev/hd[a-z][1-9] /dev/sd[a-z][1-9]>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
    			UNDELETE=`Xdialog --stdout --separator " " \
    				--radiolist "Select a partition and press SpaceBar:" 0 0 0 \
    				"$PART1" "" "on" \
    				"$PART2" "" "" \
    				"$PART3" "" "" \
    				"$PART4" "" ""`
    			DIR=`Xdialog --stdout --nocancel --inputbox "Please enter a directory name:" 0 0`
    			MAP=`mount | grep smbfs | cut -f3 -d' '`
    			mkdir -p $MAP/$DIR
    			UNDEL=`ntfsundelete -p90 /dev/hda1 | grep % | grep -v Filename`
    			LINE=`echo "$UNDEL" | awk '// {print $6"::"$4"::"$1,$5,"off"}'`
    			INODES=`Xdialog --separate-output --stdout --backtitle "Here are the files that can be undeleted. Sorted by: Filename,Date Deleted,Inode# and Size" --title "Select the files you would like to undelete" --checklist "\nCareful with duplicate names" 0 0 0 $LINE`
    			Xdialog --no-buttons --infobox "Undeleting files..." 0 0 10000000 &
    			for i in $INODES; do
    				ntfsundelete -u `echo $i | cut -f5- -d:` $UNDELETE -d $MAP/$DIR
    			killall -9 Xdialog
    			Xdialog --msgbox "Completed undeleting files..." 0 0
    			nautilus $MAP/$DIR
    	exit 1
    	## X NT Password Reset section
    	echo '#!/usr/bin/expect -f
    set timeout -1
    spawn chntpw -u 0x1f4 /tmp/.ntpasswd/SAM
    match_max 100000
    expect -exact "Please enter new password: "
    send -- "*\r"
    expect -exact "Do you really wish to change it? (y/n) \[n\] "
    send -- "y\r"
    expect -exact "Write hive files? (y/n) \[n\] : "
    send -- "y\r"
    expect eof' > /tmp/chntpw.exp
    chmod +x /tmp/chntpw.exp
    		if Xdialog --yesno "This will reset the administrative password to blank, run NTFS Check and automatically reboot.\n\nConitnue?" 0 0; then
    			Xdialog --no-buttons --infobox "Blanking admin password..." 0 0
    			if [ -e /tmp/.ntpasswd ]; then
    				umount /tmp/.ntpasswd > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
    				rmdir /tmp/.ntpasswd
    			if [ -e /tmp/ntfsdrive ]; then
    				umount /tmp/ntfsdrive > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
    				rmdir /tmp/ntfsdrive
    			mkdir /tmp/.ntpasswd
    			mkdir /tmp/ntfsdrive
    			mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp/.ntpasswd
    			mount -t ntfs `fdisk -l /dev/hd[a-z] 2>/dev/null | grep NTFS | grep "\*" | cut -f1 -d' '` /tmp/ntfsdrive
    			if [ -d /tmp/ntfsdrive/winnt ]; then
    				elif [ -d /tmp/ntfsdrive/windows ]; then
    						Xdialog --msgbox "Cannot find Windows Directory. Please contact a member of the RCD Development Team" 0 0
    						exit 1
    			cp $DEFDIR/system32/config/SAM /tmp/.ntpasswd/.
    			UNAME=`expect /tmp/chntpw.exp | grep 01f4 | grep Administrator | cut -f3- -d' '`
    			Xdialog --title Completed --no-buttons --msgbox "By the way, just in case the admin username is not Administrator: \n\n$UNAME" 0 0
    			rm -f /tmp/chntpw.exp
    			mount -o remount,rw /tmp/ntfsdrive
    			cp /tmp/.ntpasswd/SAM $DEFDIR/system32/config/.
    			umount /tmp/ntfsdrive
    			Xdialog --no-buttons --infobox "Running NTFS Check on the modified partition..." 0 0 10000000 &
    			ntfsfix `fdisk -l /dev/hd[a-z] /dev/sd[a-z] 2>/dev/null | grep NTFS | cut -f1 -d' '`>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
    			killall -9 Xdialog
    			Xdialog --no-buttons --infobox "Rebooting NOW" 0 0 && sleep 2
    			aioscript shutdown
    		exit 1
    	## X static IP section
    		if Xdialog --yesno 	"This script will configure your network settings \
    			\nif you do not have DHCP available. \
    			\nDo you wish to continue?" 0 0; then
    				NS=`Xdialog --stdout --separator "|" \
    					--title "Network Configuration Script" --backtitle "Network Settings" \
    					--left --3inputsbox "Enter your network settings" 0 0 \
    					"IP Address:" "" \
    					"Subnet Mask:" "" \
    					"Default Gateway:" ""`
    					DNS=`Xdialog --stdout --separator "|" \
    					--left --3inputsbox "Enter your DNS settings" 0 0 \
    					"Nameserver 1:" "" \
    					"Nameserver 2:" "" \
    					"Suffix Search Order: (separated by spaces)" ""`
    			IP=`echo $NS | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS="|" }' --source '{ print $1 }'`
    			NM=`echo $NS | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS="|" }' --source '{ print $2 }'`
    			GW=`echo $NS | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS="|" }' --source '{ print $3 }'`
    			DNS1=`echo $DNS | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS="|" }' --source '{ print $1 }'`
    			DNS2=`echo $DNS | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS="|" }' --source '{ print $2 }'`
    			SUFFIX=`echo $DNS | awk --source 'BEGIN { FS="|" }' --source '{ print $3 }'`
    			ETH0=`ifconfig | grep eth0 | cut -f1 -d' '`
    			ETH1=`ifconfig | grep eth1 | cut -f1 -d' '`
    			ETH=`Xdialog --stdout --no-cancel --combobox "Which Ethernet Adapter?" 10 50 "$ETH0" "$ETH1"`
    			if Xdialog --stdout --title "Confirm Settings" \
    				--backtitle "Is this correct?" \
    				--yesno "$ETH \nIP Address: $IP \nNetwork Mask: $NM \nDefault Gateway: $GW" 0 0; then
    				ETH=`echo $ETH | cut -f1 -d' ' | cut -f1 -d':'`
    				ifconfig $ETH $IP
    				ifconfig $ETH netmask $NM
    				route add default $ETH
    				route add default gw $GW
    				echo search $SUFFIX > /etc/resolv.conf
    				echo nameserver $DNS1 >> /etc/resolv.conf
    				echo nameserver $DNS2 >> /etc/resolv.conf
    				aioscript xstaticip
    		exit 1
    		if Xdialog --title "WARNING" --yesno "Making the host drive writable allows 
    			you to accidently delete user data!\nPlease read the RCD documentation for more info!!!\n\nContinue?" 0 0; then
    			nautilus -q
    			PARTS="`fdisk -l | grep "NTFS" | cut -f1 -d' '`"
    			for i in $PARTS; do
    				umount $i
    				rmdir /mounts/`echo $i | cut -f3 -d'/'`
    				mkdir /mounts/`echo $i | cut -f3 -d'/'`
    				mount -t captive-ntfs $i /mounts/`echo $i | cut -f3 -d'/'`
    		Xdialog --title "Drive mounted" --msgbox "If the folder contents
    			cannot be displayed most likely the drive is still in fix mode,
    			you should reboot into Windows to allow for the scandisk to happen 
    			then reboot back to the RCD" 0 0
    		nautilus /mounts
    		for i in $PARTS; do
    			umount $i
    			rmdir /mounts/`echo $i | cut -f3 -d'/'`
    		Xdialog --title NOTICE --msgbox "Drive(s) Unmounted..." 0 0
    	exit 1
    	## Console usage section
    	echo "Usage: aioscript {menu|backup|map|checkdisk|ntfsfix|ntpasswd|ntfsundelete|staticip|checkdisk|?}"
    	exit 1
    	## Shutdown Section
    		/etc/init.d/gdm stop
    		init 6
    	## Main Menu Section
    		MAP=`mount | grep smbfs | cut -f1 -d' '`
    		FUNCTION=`dialog --stdout --no-cancel \
    			--title "Rescue CD Console" \
    			--menu "IP: $IP - Mapped to: $MAP" 0 60 0 \
    			1 "Map to Network Share" \
    			2 "Backup local drive to ... $MAP" \
    			3 "Run NTFS Check Disk" \
    			4 "NTFS Undelete" \
    			5 "Reset Admin Password" \
    			6 "Set Static IP" \
    			7 "Host Information" \
    			8 "Shutdown"`
    		if [ $FUNCTION = 1 ]; then
    			aioscript map
    			elif [ $FUNCTION = 2 ]; then
    				aioscript backup
    				elif [ $FUNCTION = 3 ]; then
    					aioscript checkdisk
    					elif [ $FUNCTION = 4 ]; then
    						aioscript ntfsundelete
    						elif [ $FUNCTION = 5 ]; then
    							aioscript ntpasswd
    							elif [ $FUNCTION = 6 ]; then
    								aioscript staticip
    								elif [ $FUNCTION = 7 ]; then
    									aioscript hostinfo
    									elif [ $FUNCTION = 8 ]; then
    										aioscript shutdown
    	exit 1
    exit 0

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
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    Feb 2004

    Re: Windows Rescue CD All In One script (aioscript) PART 2!

    Quote Originally Posted by bizarro
    Partimage) umounts all drives and launches qtparted
    Why are you making the command partimage launch qtparted? Partimage would be useful to make a complete backup. (though I use dd and it works just fine) So you might want to creat two differnt backup scripts. One that backs up folders and files, another that backups like Ghost.

    I can give you what I use for backing up my drive useing dd if it helps.

    *Done with Root privliges.*
    dd if=/dev/hdX | gzip -c | dd of=/share/hdbackup.img.gz && cat /dev/hdX | md5sum && zcat /share/hdbackup.img.gz | md5sum
    Basicly that gets dd to send its data to gzip which compress it and then sends it to dd to write it to a file. Then use cat sends the raw data of the drive to md5sum and then sends the raw data of the compressed image to md5sum to compare if the image is a binary equal.

    Depending on the way your sending the file to anyother computer, you may need to split the file into 1-2 gig chunks. But before you can md5sum the image your going to need to put it back together. For some reason zcat doesn't accept wildcards.

    To put the image back on the drive just issue this.
    *need root privliges.*
    zcat /share/hdimage.img.gz | dd of=/dev/hdX && zcat /share/hdimage.img.gz | md5sum && cat /dev/hdX | md5sum
    If possible your going to want to blank the drive with zeros for better compression.

  3. #3
    Member registered user
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    Sep 2004

    Partimage) is a typo...if you look in the script its partmanage)

    the thing about backing up is my techs still need a way to access the data from windows pc' my current rcd it uses zip to zip the entire drive...that proved bad as anything larger than 2gb will create corrupted zips

  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bizarro

    Partimage) is a typo...if you look in the script its partmanage)

    the thing about backing up is my techs still need a way to access the data from windows pc' my current rcd it uses zip to zip the entire drive...that proved bad as anything larger than 2gb will create corrupted zips
    You could aways try 7-zip

    Tt alows for max sizes of 16,000,000,000 GB
    Plus it always support of Deflate64 (Deflate is what zip uses, normal uses 32 bit deflate, new uses 64 bit. Alows for 2 terabytes) So it can creat zip files. Its suppose to zip files better also. I noticed a meg or two decrease when I tested it.

    Plus its free (Open Source) and there is a command line version for Linux.

    Its ultra compress setting for LZMA is really slow, but it cut the file is in half compared to a zip. (decompression is comparable to Zip however)

    It alows for multiple compression methods if you have a favorite also.

  5. #5
    Member registered user
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    Sep 2004
    thanx for your input...i really appreciate it

    with your testing experience maybe you can answer a couple of questions for me with this scenario...

    a laptop's hdd is corrupted and windows can no longer boot. with the rcd you can get to the data

    1. the data backing up either by dd, partimage or 7z will be larger than 2gb.
    2. backup will be to a network share using samba

    can the backup happen with out corruption?

  6. #6
    Senior Member registered user
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bizarro
    thanx for your input...i really appreciate it

    with your testing experience maybe you can answer a couple of questions for me with this scenario...

    a laptop's hdd is corrupted and windows can no longer boot. with the rcd you can get to the data

    1. the data backing up either by dd, partimage or 7z will be larger than 2gb.
    2. backup will be to a network share using samba

    can the backup happen with out corruption?
    From what I know about samba it won't alow files bigger then 2 gigs.

    If you were to dd the drive over to an image on a remote computer then you would have to split it.

    dd if=/dev/hdX | gzip -c | split -b 1024m - /samba/hdimage.img.gz.
    Then you would need to put the file back together on the remote computer. Luckly, a batch file can do that job.

    Copy /b hdimage.img.gz.aa + hdimage.img.gz.ab + ... + hdimage.img.gz.nnn hdimage.img.gz
    Now you can md5sum the file and drive and check out if they are the same.

    You could basicly do the same thing with a 7z archive. Just first make the archieve, then split it for transport.
    split -b 1024m hdbackup.7z /samba/hdbackup.7z.
    You can then put it back together the same way.

    Of course all this spliting stuff can be bypassed if you use something that alows bigger files to be transported, mabye ftp or SSH.

  7. #7
    Member registered user
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    Sep 2004
    hmmm...i just ran a test between dd and partimage...


    partimage file size: 600mb
    dd file size: 800mb

    splitting isn't going to be easy on dd but in partimage i see its built in...

    maybe i can use that...what do you think?

  8. #8
    Senior Member registered user
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bizarro
    hmmm...i just ran a test between dd and partimage...


    partimage file size: 600mb
    dd file size: 800mb

    splitting isn't going to be easy on dd but in partimage i see its built in...

    maybe i can use that...what do you think?
    I think the smaller file size is because partimage knows to ignore data marked as delete. dd makes a bit for bit copy, regardless whether its marked as deleted or now (good for recovering lost data on another PC), its the first program I used to back up my drive, so now I like it better. (Don't know why.) I assume however if you blanked out the free space on the drive then both dd and partimage would be the same size.

    If partimage seems to work better for you, go ahead. I have no rational reason for sticking with dd

    *edited* I just checked out partimage, its alot better then dd, im going to start playing with it. The only problem I can see is comparing the data with md5.

  9. #9
    Senior Member registered user
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    I've checked out partimage (for the most part). It looks like it could fit your cause well. Espically(sp) the server option.

    Like I said before, the only problem I see is comparing the backed up data to the image.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2004

    windows 2000+ has its own recovery system

    maybe you are unaware of this
    but windows 2K+ which means 2000, XP, 2003 server
    have thier own recovery modules.

    it is much simpler to load DOS 6.22 which an dosntfs module (do a google)
    and just copy that way.

    unless you are more interesed in the project than the end result.

    btw, you can also checkout novell 6.2, they have a similler ms-dos bootdisk (not CD) that can get to your local/shared drives with nfs if you need it.

    so you already have
    ntfs justintime recovery
    nfs justintime recovery

    i hope this helps.

    if you want a client fo ntfs for dos, and you cant find it googling, send me a note, ill send you the file. (which is gnu licensd if im not mistaken)

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