Hello....I seem to have a problem running audio with the program XINE. I can play music cd, but the audio breaks up a bit. I have a 900MHZ laptop with 512 meg ram....Is this not enough memory to run this application? I notice if I switch from the KDE desktop to FLUXBOX the audio clears up quite a bit....but not totally...but enough to be usable. Is there a setting for buffer size???? How can I make adjustments to this program so it will play audio like its supposed to? I also notice i can play dvd's but I get an error that will pop up saying it is running too slow....the video seems OK with an occasional glitch.....My computer should be capable of running music and dvd video with no problems....it did when I had my winxp hard drive in it. And windows is notorious for sucking alot of memory for itself!

Also I cannot get MPLAYER to work....there is some kind of file missing????Why cant some of these programs come complete to run? In the install script, if a file is already on computer, it should skip it. I find it is annoying to not be able to run some of these multi media programs cause of missing files. I notice in KNOPPIX v. 3.6 most of these issues have been solved....all but KPLAYER and MPLAYER. Please offer any advice...bob58