We made a Knoppix together with a german game magazine. It's
a bit hidden:

(see left bottom)


It's a Knoppix 3.6 with lots of games (size about 1 GB compressed).
It's not necessary to mention that this Knoppix is from our hands
(of cource you may if you want . I think it's more important that a
games magazine begins to care for Linux as gaming platform.

Ati and Nvidia Drivers are included (they're installed into the
RAM-Disk) and I installed a lot of games I ever wanted on a Knoppix:
cube, vegastrike (makes only sense after installation), the demos
from www.garagegames.com (Marble Blast, Mutant Storm, Orbz, ThinkTanks),
Enigma, Imaze, BzFlag, ClanBomber, Gl-117, GlTron, Jump'n'Bump
(special patches), neverball, neverputt, supertux, tuxracer,
simutrans, battle for wesnoth, freeciv, netpanzer, pingus, stratagus,
boson, netris and of course it's complete Knoppix.

Perhaps you like to add this to your news section...

Martin Φhler