Hello to all,

When will Knoppix 3.8 or if there will not be 3.8 then, 4.0 be released? Will it come with kernel 2.6.9? Will it get rid of kernel 2.4 and will contain more software by removing existing redunding packages while keeping only the most popular and some of the less popular ones? Will it include more security and networking software?
I would like to install some Windows applications on Knoppix, primarily games such as Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3. I occasionally play them, most often playing Quake but Windows is not that reliable...crashes or freezes too often even with 2000 Pro. Will the next release of Knoppix contain a stable WINE version that would allow me to install and run these games in Knoppix?
I currently have the latest version of Knoppix installed to the disc and really like it. By the way, I am very new to Linux.

Thank you