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Thread: knx hd install is not just debian

  1. #31
    Senior Member registered user
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    hiya, Crashed, looks like we were replying same time.

    As to the dist-upgrade... I did them regularly on my "spare" bughunter to purposely try to break it. It was surpisingly hardy. I have two partitions on my harddrive for hd installs of linuxes. (and the swap partition of course). And I found having 2 bughunters (generally my main one and whatever was the newest release) was quite handy. Swapping config files back and forth when I screwed up one of them

    Most recently, I did a major KDE upgrade on my main bughunter and whoa, yeah, a little messy. Having nothing to lose I went and did dist-upgrade on it and it straightened quite a bit out. So my main man is still BH8.

    I insist on an obscene level of eye candy and new KDE little proggy goodies. Just the way I am, don't know. Often little bug fixes in there (yeah, and introduction of new ones, I know I know) so when I see a new KDE I get all sweaty and hot and bothered LOL have to get my hands on it.

    KPPP works fine on kanotix but I did have to change permission on a ttyS0 (case important!) to allow user to use the dang modem. Don't know if that is still a prob, I don't think so. But was quickly remedied (don't know if it was the proper way to remedy it, but hey, it worked

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuddles
    *** Can Kanotix support my "current" Knoppix home partition?
    But of course.

    Last thought, doesnt Kanotix require downloading the "sources" from the Linux kernel site? And does it "also" require a "patch" from Kanotix to make it "Kanotix", or am I just not thinking straight here????
    Well if you need to build something again the kernel source then yes you're absolutely right so guess what? There is a script that not only downloads the source but also patches it. The script works on any of Kano's kernels so it's never even an issue. You can of course install a kernel from debian if you'd rather or (my preference) just build your own. You do not need to patch your kernel source with the same patches that the Kanotix kernel uses if you want to build your own custom kernel. It is exactly like Debian in this regard. This has been one of my points all along.

    The other point is the ability to do a dist-upgrade without problems. Usually any upgrade probs are easily fixed w/ a simple --force-overwrite or somesuch. It is not an 'ungoofable' situation. If you like simply ask in #kanotix before upgrading. Truth be told, most SID users upgrade daily. I do!

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Kuhman
    I should point out my interest is entirely in running a live CD
    Then I see no reason for you to switch unless:
    A) Kanotix supports hardware that Knoppix doesn't. (like acpi )
    B) You like the installed applications of Kanotix over those of Knoppix.
    C) You would like to help with the big hunt!

    Kanotix was made for an hdd installation but most certainly does use the knoppix autodetection for hardware.

  4. #34
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    While I now use Debian and am glad that I switched, I never really saw any big issues with the Knoppix debian-style install. A few upgrade issues that had to be corrected, but nothing too awful. So I can understand why some still use it.

    I will admit that kanotix is much less trouble. I have it on my laptop and it runs through upgrades and such very smoothly. But why not try out the debian sarge installer? It's a small iso and you can select what to install on your system. Actually, I've also recently tried Ubuntu and I'm liking it alot too. And unless you have some unusual hardware the sarge and ubuntu installers should detect everything just fine.

  5. #35
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    Wow. Must be some kind of paranormal force or something, because I downloaded and tried Kanotix just last week.

    This is the first time I've ever gotten a live CD to boot without having to use cheatcodes, because the OS couldn't handle some aspect of my hardware. I checked out the Kanotix forum. Guess what - Kano actually shows up from time to time and helps people. The last time I searched for Klaus's posts on this forum, I think I found two. Look at the buglists here - we have not only open, but unanswered bugs dating back to the May release of 3.4. Most of them, not surprisingly, still exist in the most recent edition of 3.6. Kanotix doesn't have that weird dual kernel thing going. I still believe, that the imperfectly-implemented dual kernel architecture of post-3.4 Knoppix is primarily responsible for the failure of Knoppix to find, recognize and utilize wlan drivers, and is responsible for the majority of problems posted in the networking forum.

    It's very apparent that the initial developers of Knoppix simply are not supporting it to the same degree. That's not a criticism, but it is reality. I think Klaus lost interest years ago, and that Fabian was carrying the torch. Now Fabian is busy at university, and posting an apology that he's been away. He doesn't owe any of us any apologies, but the reality is that Kanotix is better supported.

    I don't see it as a defection to go to Kanotix. The way I see it is that Klaus lit the torch, then he handed it to Fabian, who ran with it for a while, but couldn't afford to make it his sole purpose in life (who can blame him?), so he stuck the torch in the ground, Kano copied and improved on it, and now he's running with it.

    Like a number of others who have posted here, I just don't buy the idea that hd installation shouldn't be developed for Knoppix because that isn't how it was conceived. Hell, the PC wasn't conceived as a networked workstation either, but it is. Now, in many places, it's a thin client to a large server, where the admins dictate everything, and suddenly we've come full circle back to the mainframe concept - the very antithesis of a PC. Does that mean we stop development? The first thing that people want to know when they come to the forum is how to hd install. Many times they have to be convinced not to. Personally, I like PMI. For me, it's all I need. But what really sold me was a combination of my own problems with hd install, and reading all the problems faced by people here.

    Like Lee Iacocca said, "lead, follow, or get out of the way." As I see it, Knoppix apparently isn't interested in leading anymore, but Kano is. That's their decision, and I'm not in any position to criticize, but I am in a position to make choices for myself as well. I haven't fully explored Kanotix yet, but I like what I see so far.


  6. #36
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    Well, I dont think I am ready for a "serious" Debian Installer yet, I think I've done some "growing" from the little girl who was running the Live CD of Knoppix, some of this growing being from using Knoppix, and from helping other people, and from trying to keep my system from imploding in on itself, and from the people here on these forums...

    It's kind of like when I was "graced" with the title of "Moderator", I really dont know how, or why, or on what, that decision was made, but, was stated that "I am a 'guru'." - and I dont really think I am any where close to that... I help when I can, I guess, I have ideas, and I "genuinely" want to help people. It's kind of my nature. But, to say "I'm" a guru? I think many other people could be said to have "that" title, I just like, and want, to help people. Heck, I dont think I will "ever" be a guru when it comes to Linux, I always have something else to learn, or have learned, from someone else. I think I am still just a Linux user, trying to learn what they got themselves into... And, along the way, I am willing to share that with others, if I can...

    I think that Kanotix is going to be my "next" evolution, from that, who knows, maybe to a "strict" Debian Distro install, who knows? I do know one thing, I have been "blessed" with this forum, and the people, and support here. And with all I have received from it, I will continue to return that favor, back, into it. No matter what Distro I am running.

    Harry, if we can say anything about this "little duckling", that would be, that Knoppix, and this forum, have been my "mother duck", I do have an allegence with it, that wont change. No matter what, I am still going to be alongside my "mother", and continue to support it, through these forums, I hope. I hope that my "evolution" will only help me grow more, and to provide more, and better, help within these forums. I think of Knoppix as my family, and these forums are a perfect example of this, people helping people. If we are ever going to make any kind of statement, If we want to "show the world" what Linux is really about, I think these forums are a perfect "poster child" of it. Open, not judgemental, and free. Discussions, debates, heated arguements, all of them, an example of what the "community" is all about. I dont think a topic goes without some response, answer, or resolve. People share information, and it isnt like, no, I'm not going to tell you, kind of thing. People are helped, from the simplest issue, all the way up to the most complex.

    I hope people wont take me as a traitor, by running off to Kanotix. I will continue to give input on things I know, suggest on what I think, ideas on what may be plausable, and conjecture, when nothing else fails. Lots of this I have already been doing, like on the subject of running a Live CD, which I dont, but can give conjecture, ideas, or what I think, on it. If anything, I am not affraid of making a mistake, as long as it doesnt trash someones system, I never want to do that.

    My roots, have, and always shall be, with my "mother", Knoppix... No matter how far I may wander, my roots, are still my home...

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by j.drake
    Wow. Must be some kind of paranormal force or something, because I downloaded and tried Kanotix just last week.
    Don't know if it's a paranormal force but this has turned out to be a very interesting post. Kanotix is HD installing on my laptop at this moment. And taking a very long time about it...actually stalled out & quit in the middle of copying files once.
    It's already on my desktop but not being used yet, I still have a bunch of setting up to do. THE OTHER USER (definitely capitalised) demands that before I switch over it will have to look exactly like the existing Knoppix installation.

    ... the imperfectly-implemented dual kernel architecture of post-3.4 Knoppix
    First thing I noticed about Kanotix is the 'clean' startup compared to Knoppix 3.4 with the 2.6 kernel. And it properly setup for my wheelmouse. And the CDrom icon worked.

    Like Lee Iacocca said, "lead, follow, or get out of the way."
    Iacocca? I heard that phase long before I ever heard of Iacocca so I did a quick Google. credits it to Thomas Paine.

    Quote Originally Posted by j.drake
    I don't see it as a defection to go to Kanotix.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuddles
    I hope people wont take me as a traitor, by running off to Kanotix.
    I look at it like this. My 'Knoppix' wasn't really 'Knoppix' anyway. I was primarily using Knoppix as a base & customising extensively. Kanotix is doing exactly the same thing, starting with Knoppix & doing a better job of upgrading & setting up than I ever could. By the time I've done it will be a custom system with roots in Kanotix which has roots in Knoppix.

    Wonder why it's taking so long to copy files onto the laptop?

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrashedAgain
    And taking a very long time about it...actually stalled out & quit in the middle of copying files once.
    Wonder why it's taking so long to copy files onto the laptop?
    It seems to be quite fast until 95% or so then it 'seems' to slow to a crawl but in fact the progress bar is lying to you. They're working on it.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by mzilikazi
    Quote Originally Posted by CrashedAgain
    And taking a very long time about it...actually stalled out & quit in the middle of copying files once.
    Wonder why it's taking so long to copy files onto the laptop?
    It seems to be quite fast until 95% or so then it 'seems' to slow to a crawl but in fact the progress bar is lying to you. They're working on it.
    Multiny, Mr. Christian! That's mutiny! -=- reading both mine, and J.D's posts about abandoning our "mother duck", this quote sprung to mind...

    Aaaaaaa, MZI, what am I getting into here? My new OS is going to be "lying" to me???? ( just kidding )

    MZI, appears that Nishtya is getting me BH9a, any "heads-up" I should know about this?

    I am probably going to run Kanotix from the CD, until I get my network hardware installed, then let the hard drive install set up everything from scratch. Considering I "ripped out" a lot of Knoppix, that I deamed "never to use", it has to be easier to let a new install add everything I need, then to figure out what I need "back" into Knoppix...

    I figure my Kanotix system, this one, will be the server, have a firewall, and the other system will use LAN to get to me and the internet. This system will handle the dial-up internet. I figure we will "probably", when we both are using the internet at the same moment, be cutting our bandwidth in half, which would be half of 56K, but, considering the cost of high speed, its at least a way for us both to be on-line at the same time, and be able to share files back and forth... This will also be a test. This system will be the test-bed for where the "other" system is going... If Kanotix works good on this system, the "other" system, will follow behind. I was going to do that with Knoppix, once I ironed out all the "issues"; one was flash, got that, and since the other system is running Windows98, I seriously want it to "move on to another OS". -=- and after the "significant other" saw how fast there games run on Knoppix w/ the 2.6 kernel, she is a lot more interested in getting the other system up with something "like" it

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuddles
    MZI, appears that Nishtya is getting me BH9a, any "heads-up" I should know about this?
    Hmm not that I know of unless Nishtya is really the leader of a M$ conspiracy to install a corrupted Linux distro with all ports opened by default then claim "See we told you windows was more secure."

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