
Got a new version of Knoppix on a DVD and I'm having some darn good time trying to burn the 699.5 MB into a bootable CD. I've created /tmp/knoppix36 directory and coppied the iso from the DVD. I'm having difficulty with the 'mkisofs' string, though. I copied the iso successfuly from /tmp onto a blank CD using K3B under SuSE. Here's the string I've been finnegling

mkisofs -J -r -l -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -c boot/isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o /tmp/knoppix36.iso /tmp/knoppix36

I'm getting "mkisofs: Uh oh, I cant find the boot catalog directory 'boot/isolinux'!" It would be a great improvement if I knew what I was doing! Thus far I know I'm trying to create "knoppix36.iso" bootable with a floppy-like image at the beginning of the image. Perhaps I should really try to break this process into two steps.

All concern for this matter will be greatly appreciated.


Joseph Schiller