Hi I have installed Knopix to my hard disk (Knoppix-Myth). Basically it's knoppix but with MythTV already installed.

Anyway I installed KDE and a few other things and so far everything looks good.

The problem is that the version of Knoppix I have isn't properly updating my menus in KDE for applications I install. Does anybody know of a working script anywhere that will automatically update my menus after every boot? It seems like it should be a simple thing to do. I mean all it needs to do is to use whatever the file it is that tells apt-get what files are installed and under what catagories and update the existing menu catagories accordingly. How hard can it be?


Edit: I found a file called update-menus-kde.tar.gz here - but it was for KDE 3.2. Anyway it didn't seem to work too well as it quit with a bunch of errors. The ouput of running the script is as follows:

root@box1:/home/raid517/update-menus-kde/update-menus-kde# ./update-menus-knoppix
./update-menus-knoppix: line 18: update-menus: command not found
./update-menus-knoppix: line 93: /etc/menu-methods/freedesktop-desktop-entry-spec-apps: No such file or directory
./update-menus-knoppix: line 94: /etc/menu-methods/freedesktop-desktop-entry-spec-dirs: No such file or directory
./update-menus-knoppix: line 95: /etc/menu-methods/kdelibs-bin: No such file ordirectory
cat: /var/lib/kde/debian-dirs/*.directory: No such file or directory
./update-menus-knoppix: line 124: /var/lib/kde/debian-dirs/*.directory: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
./update-menus-knoppix: line 124: /var/lib/kde/debian-dirs/*.directory: No existe el fichero o el directorio
Can't open /var/lib/kde/debian-dirs/*.directory: No existe el fichero o el directorio.
Is there any way to fix this? Like I said it would be very nice to have a script that would automatically update my menus after every reboot. But I have no clue how to achieve this.