did anyone know how to install this modem in Knoppix? "Well" official site has its own drivers but they are not accesiblle http://www.wellgroups.com/wellftp/dr...u-8000-src.rpm ,,, so I tried to compile drivers from http://sourceforge.net/projects/accessrunner/ but It didnt works(compilation error), onely system I could compile it was FedoraCore3 but here popup some error during insmod (error -1 ?!?),,, I find somewhere driver for kernel 2.6.5 and try it in (Knoppix or Mepis-dont remmember where is 2.6.5),,, but there also was problem with insmod So If anyone makes this modem (or similar) works please write it down...

PS:I also tryed "modprobe" and I dont know why but this option shows to be unfunctionable

Robert David