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Thread: restore k3b to default appearance

  1. #1
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    restore k3b to default appearance

    I clicked on something the other night while trying to burn an .iso file using K3B and now the appearance is all messed up. I cannot use program cause screen is just 1 big empty area that was enlarged from clicking the wrong thing! HELP! I need this program. How do I return it back to default look. bob

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Not a clue what you clicked on, but have you tried selecting everything shown under settings and all the toolbars? Or don't you even see the menu?

    EDIT: Re-read the problem. If you really can't see anything else than a white area restore ~/.kde/share/config/k3brc from a backup I hope you have, or try Alt-Space for the general appmenu.
    Or do: mv ~/.kde/share/config/k3brc ~/.kde/share/config/OLDk3brc

  3. #3
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    k3b woes

    I probably should have clarified the problem .....What I did was accidently re-size a window in the program. The program still runs, but it displays one of the program windows full screen without any way to minimize or close or do anything! I havent tried the suggestions posted yet cause I was working on another project over weekend, but tonite i will go back to this problem. Maybe when i turn on computer k3b will be back to normal. The problem i was having is trying to figure out how to burn an .iso file to cd. I have been using a WINDOWS program to burn .iso's but I want to be able to use k3b. I couldnt find any reference to burning .iso files on any menu or any box to check for that function....I will post back later tonite...bob

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