klik is the easiest way to use additional software on Knoppix/Kanotix, even while running from CD. Because one software package is always exactly just one file on your desktop, you can always delete software packages without any problems for other software. With a persistent home directory, you can even continue to use the software you installed after a reboot.
In order to install the klik client on Knoppix (Kanotix has the client preinstalled), press Alt-F2 and paste:
Then you can point-and-klik install software packages.Code:wget klik.atekon.de/client/install -O -|sh
Knoppix Live GNU Linux System 9.1 on Bootable CD / DVD / USB Flash Drive
Knoppix Linux Bootable OS v8.6 "Original Live Operating System" 16G USB Stick
Linux Knoppix 4.0.2 Installation Disc
Knoppix Linux Hacks Book (392 pages)with CD
Knoppix 3.4 Linux installation CD
Knoppix Linux Bootable OS v8.6 "Original Live Operating System" 32G USB Stick