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Thread: Thanks to all members! (alsa, kernel compile)

  1. #1
    Member registered user
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    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Thanks to all members! (alsa, kernel compile)

    You sure are thinking WTF is this...It's a little demostration of how grateful I'm to be a member of this forum

    My First Contact with knoppix was v3.3, then I already liked Win over linux but I always try at least to learn something new....

    Until mid-November I was a heavy windows user but knoppix v3.6 change me, It was not easy...HDD instalation...Nvidia video...Nvidia drivers...Samba ... OSS ... ART ... Alsa you mention it, I was stuck with all...

    I 've to thank you all for this, never had to post a topic (it was a sweet tentation) asking for help, why??? because the search button always give me the answer .. sometimes like with the final touch passing OSS --> activating ART --> to later desactivate all favouring Alsa, all that take me time understand.

    But know I'm writting this from my favorite browser (firefox) listening anime radio (For who recommend streamtuner: Hey Pal!! this program is HOT!) , xine ready for all night marathon of Shadow skill (anime serie 26 files) in WM FLUX!!! juas ... something I learned from you linux's people is the anacronism KISS (Keep it simple stupid) no need for much effects when with little you can do the same and sometimes better.

    I've thought posting my experience and the situations that I was almost ready to kill some of you but resintall later (3-4 from November first instalation v3.6) keep me calm. So I'll try to give info about situations where really I was coming a crazy killer user.

    Epox 8RDA+ (nforce2)
    Geforce 4MX 440 SE
    256 MB
    AMD Athlon XP 2000

    1_ Video: All the rest can wait every user want at least see his video working, in my case Kano's script do the trick.

    Identifier  "Card0
    Driver      "nvidia"
    Option      "NoLogo" "on"
    Option      "NvAgp"  "1"
    Option      "RenderAccel" "On"
    VendorName  "nVidia Corporation"
    BoardName   "NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440-SE]"
    With a little tweaking on /etc/x11/XF86Config-4 I get 1638 on glxgears

    2_ Forcedeth and i810_audio worked perfect but I wanted to try (god help me) the nvidia drivers. There was no way without receiving error about the kernel source, stop networking ok, unload forcedeth ok, worked ??? NO .. so where was the problem? All the forum info are about tar files not the new .run file at nvidia.

    export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-2.95
    /etc/init.d/networking stop
    rmmod forcedeth
    sh --kernel-name=2.4.27
    That did the trick later folowing nvidia doc inserted alias for nvsound y nvnet on the archive /etc/modutils/aliases, options for nvnet on the archive /etc/modutils/options, insert # on modules i810_audio and forcedeth on the archive /etc/modules-2.4.27. I learned the very hard way (all day without nvsound working) that after changed this files always you must do update-modules.

    3_ All runing, running well ? speed good, memory almost empty swapping all day, sound hanging on large video files (700MB) , only sound per one aplication....

    For memory I tried many WM but Fluxbox was the most useful, little, consume little resources, very ease to configure ,perfect choice.

    For sound I read, keep reading... honestly I dream with terms like OSS, ART, ALSA...
    Finally setup arts which was really very simple with the instructions on the forum especially when you found the archive /home/user/.KDE/share/config/knotifyrc and change the options. But the Sound still keeped stuttering on videos or medium load.

    So I hoped for ALSA, it wasn't such a great idea the last weekend searching and testing info, ended with more decepctions than winnings.... alsa-autoconfing never worked beyond preparing modules, reinstall with cheath code ALSA give me a hard install with no sound...

    Finally one post send me to a mail list of alsa, I didn't really use it because int it was a link to ALSA site with the answers for my nforce plataform.

    My way to make it work:
    remove knx-alsa
    apt-get alsa-base
    apt-get alsa-utils
    Download driver alsa-driver-1.0.6a.tar.bz2
    And follow this instructions

    ten minutes later and one hard boot, alsa working and all aplications working with sound at the same time without esound or arts.

    I really thank you guys if mi#$#soft had a support team like the users on this forum have Linux will be really in danger, but like that will never happen...I'm happy to be a member of this forum.

    Sorry about errors English is not my birth language

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
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    In a house... hopefully
    Sorry about errors English is not my birth language
    hehe... dont worry, english is my birth language, and i can hardly speel... i mean spell... ...

  3. #3
    Member registered user
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    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    The travel continues...Kernel compile

    After many tries compiling kernel finally I've got one Right!

    No ready for the kernel v2.6 (for the work aroun to make nvidia cards work) I try the kernel
    The Following instruccions are from varios other post on this forum.
    # apt-cache search ^ kernel-source
    # apt-get install kernel-source-2.4.27
    // Besides you'll need debhelper modutils kernel-package libncurses5 initrd-tools
    # cd /usr/src
    #tar --bzip2 -xvf kernel-source-2.4.27.tar.bz2
    #rm -f linux
    #ln -s kernel-source-2.4.27 linux 
    # cd kernel-source-2.4.27
    # cp /boot/config-2.4.27 .config
    // We copy the config so the new kernel will have the same options like the knoppix kernel
    # patch -p1 <../knoppix-kernel,patch
    // Don't know if need it, but have no trouble using it.
    # make xconfig
    // I change the optimizatin i386 for my Athlon cpu
    // Put Yes on filesystems Ext3
    //Remove options my system don't have like infra-red and Bluetooth
    # make-kpkg clean
    # make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=rommie --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image modules   
    //This is because there is already a kernel 2.4.27 i need other name, append-to-version make the kernel  2.4.27rommie.
    //So when install it will not touch the libs already for the actual kernel.
    // it will install in /lib/modules/2.4.27rommie
    # cd ..
    # dpkg -i kernel-image-2.4.27rommie_custom.1.0_i386.deb
    //when choose to make changes in LILO put 'no'
    Teorically you must edit you lilo.conf adding something like
    	label="Linux img686"
    	append="ramdisk_size=100000 lang=us apm=power-off hda=scsi hdb=scsi hdc=scsi hdd=scsi nomce "
    And then you execute lilo to make the changes on the mbr.

    The problem for me was, I always get Kernel Panic "Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs "
    with try & error (and three hours searching and testing solutions posts here) I discover that my FS was already on the kernel (change i do when i did 'make xconfig' on file systems )so I quit the line initrd, and my lilo.conf became
    	label="Linux img686"
    	append="ramdisk_size=100000 lang=us apm=power-off hda=scsi hdb=scsi hdc=scsi hdd=scsi nomce "
    Thatś all , recompile the alsa driver for the new kernel and my box is running again...Wow This sunday was everything except relaxing

     #uname -a
    Linux rommie 2.4.27rommie #1 Sun Jun 5 22:15:31 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
    Post where I got the information:
    The easiest kernel install yet and no xfs patch either

  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    No ready for the kernel v2.6 (for the work aroun to make nvidia cards work)

    For the 2.6.x you might like to have a look at ...

    For the C Kolivas patch set and mail archive. I can remember some discussion there on nvidia issues.

    For memory I tried many WM but Fluxbox was the most useful, little, consume little resources, very ease to configure ,perfect choice.

    Good to see someone not just going along with the two wm push that all the distro seem to do. The configuration side is fun too. And they can be amazingly powerful/flexable managers.

    Iv'e always been a fvwm person my self


  5. #5
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    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Keep going...

    On christmas my uncles gave my father (new on the PC world) a laserjet printer . With bad luck or perfect for me his computer didn't work with the printer (three days trying), I didn't want the printer on my system because I supposed at the moment the problem to make it work on the network as a shared printer.

    With the help from HP website (drivers and explications) and for linux from this post on the forum, I could print the first page on the new printer, my father now can print from his computer to the shared printer on the system.

    Thank you again to the members of this forum

  6. #6
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    Real-Time and Performance for 2.4 kernels

    If you have a 2.4.x kernel and want the likeness real-time speed of a 2.6.x kernel you need some patches..
    • *kernel-patch-2.4-lowlatency
    This patches on the 2.4.x kernels are already integrated on the 2.6.x kernels
    During the 2.4 Linux kernel series, Robert Love of Novell/Ximian fame released a well-known kernel patch that enabled higher preemption and that could be applied to the standard Linux kernel source. Other patches, such as a low-latency patch from Ingo Molnar, a core Linux kernel contributor since 1995, further extended the capabilities of this patch by reducing latency throughout the kernel. A key concept for the TimeSys products and these patches was to replace spin-locks with mutexes (mutual exclusion mechanisms) whenever possible. These provide the resource security and integrity required by the kernel without causing the kernel to block and wait. The core concepts pioneered by these patches now are integral parts of the 2.6 Linux kernel.
    Info from Real-Time and Performance Improvements in the 2.6 Linux Kernel

    You need
    • *kernel 2.4.x source code
      *The two patches above
      *experience on kernel compile
    To active the options on the make x-config or make menuconfig, search the label "Procesor type and Features", mark low latency and preemp options...compile(at your own risk) and all set.

    ATTENTION: this is not a performance BOOST! It only generates a more responsible kernel for the 2.4.x series kernel...

  7. #7
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    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Seasson Finale?

    Thank you for everything, finally I decided to change my distro from the glorius but later knoppix v3.7 to debian sarge (netinstall).
    Of couse I backed up my fluxbox config and some stuff I came to appreciated from this forum like streamtuner....

    The installation was very easy, on sarge net install I choose Testing (for nvlock, rtorrent and xorg 7) with a new kernel (Kolivas patch inserted) my system was very likely the same...but no. It's like finally have what I really need, very structurated and for learning that is perfect. with the knoppix v3.7 my battle horse for years I didn't have to much problems but the mixing between stable-testing-unstable and 2.4-2.6 was very confusing, some packets I never used I couldn't remove for dependencies problems.

    Fluxbox, root-tail, conky

    Duron 1GHz 256MB, Geforce 4MX 440 SE
    Kernel 2.6.17 ck-7, Debian

    Thank you all of you, wow sounds like and ending but for me it feels like a good begining.

  8. #8
    Administrator Site Admin-
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    Apr 2003

    Re: Seasson Finale?

    Quote Originally Posted by Seyyapc
    .....change my distro ... to debian sarge (netinstall).
    .....on sarge net install I choose Testing (for nvlock, rtorrent and xorg 7).....
    I've done several Debian installs. but I'm not sure from what you posted if you are running Sarge or Etch (testing). If you are not running Etch (testing) then I suggest that you look at it; Sarge will be retired this year and Etch will become the new stable, so it's certainly ready for use at this point. If you are running testing you should refer to it as Etch, not Sarge, as Sarge is the older "non-testing, stable" version, and your use of the name Sarge for testing is a point of confusion.

    Glad to hear about another person who has left behind the problems of a Knoppix forced install for a real Debian install either way.

  9. #9
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    My mistake?

    From Network install from a minimal CD I Downloaded Official netinst images for the stable release, so I assumed that 'stable' mean Sarge...sorry

    In the net install (the CD) with the option expert26 at boot time, later I choosed 'Testing' for my installation for HD.

    So that means I'm on etch?

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