I think its fairly safe to report this as a 'bug' since I have just downloaded Knoppix 3.2 & it has the same problem as I was having with 3.1. Please see my earlier port 'won't boot'. Knoppix freezes when trying to check apm. If I boot 'noapm', 3.1 continues until it tries to start x then freezes. 3.2 still freezes at the same point even failsafe or noapm. I can boot 3.1 'knoppix2' to command line then it freezes if I try to start xdm or kdm. This happens on my desktop machine Cyrix MII 266 MMX processor & on one of the three other machines I have tried. It will boot ok on my Toshiba laptop and one other machine I tried (Sorry, didn't get the specs on the other machines, they are not mine). The only common denominator that I can think of is that both 3.1 & 3.2 disks were burnt on the same CD burner and that the two machines that will boot it have regular CD drives, not RW drives, but I can't see how that would make any difference. I doubt if it's a problem with the bios type, the two machines that won't boot it are very different & one is about 3 years newer than the other so it's not likely that they have the same bios. I tried to do a hdinstall from the command line to see if it was a problem which only occurred when running off the CD but couldn't do the hdinstall because it wouldn't select a HD to install to. The only other info I have at this point is that 'Freeduc' will boot & run on both the machines which will not boot Knoppix. Any other workarounds I could try? If there is any other info which might be helpful in trying to track this down please post & I will try to comply.