I needed a totally portable linux OS, i decided knoppix was the best .... then i tryed to install it on an USB HD .... it was just sooo simple..... then i worked around a way to boot it , my bios doesn't support the usb boot and also if it was possible it was not the good way to have a portable OS .... surfing around the world wide web i made an iso containig a kernel that can detect the /dev/sda1 and boot the knoppix on it.

I was thinking it was nice to have a such kind of iso ... i feel it's really useful ... it works with most of the hw i tryed but for sure it needs to grow.... if there is some good programmer (as i 'm not) that would implement my little work here there is a link to download the iso:


let me know what you think about it

mainly i worked around the "linuxrc"