I have a Dell Latitude CP and a SMC 2635 wireless card that work with ndiswrapper and KNOPPIX 3.7 (as well as 3.6) booted from CD. However, when I did a hard drive install (the recommended install, beginner) of 3.7 the card no longer works. The usual process (from the CD) is as follows: start ndiswrapper and point it to the drivers. start iwconfig and configure the card which will then see the access point. finally, configure the network for DHCP and get an IP address.
Now that I've installed it, ndiswrapper seems to be starting itself at boot time. iwconfig seems to configure the card, however, it never actually connects to the access point. (trying to start DHCP, of course, fails.)
Does KNOPPIX configure something differently after a beginner install? I'm at a loss for why something that works perfectly from the CD no longer functions when the exact same software is installed to the HD.