I'm still a Knoppix-Knewbie, but was starting to feel confident with web browsers and OpenOfficeWriter until today.
My wife ask me to condense,( edit, shrink) a web page. I confidently opened it with Mozilla, brought it into Composer and made the desired snips. I sent to printer and froze. I tried Ctrl-D, Ctrl-Alt-Back, and every other combination that I remembered being recommended. They did nothing. Walked away and a few minutes later, it was at the KDE Login page. Got back to Mozilla and opened the file again, tried to check a table propeties, froze again. Finally had to power off. Next time I tried to open Mozilla, it froze before the window opened. Next boot it went into Mode 5 Text Only.I'm not ready for that, so I tried booting from my 3.6 CD and got an unending list of error messages scrolling by. Is there something like scandisk that I need to run after "shutdown improperly" Should I remove and reinstal Mozilla? If so, how??

I am using a P2-333MHz, with 256MB RAM. I did a beginners HD install maybe a month ago. Does this use any more RAM than a full Debian install? Is it any smaller than running from the CD? Are freezes usually caused by lack of memory? Is there a Task Manager equiv. to Ctrl-Alt-Del that will allow shutting down a process or program that is "not responding" I've been told to read Man kill, but if I can't open a console how can I kill? It's a steep learning curve, but I hate MS Windows' problems.
