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Thread: - graphical progress bar

  1. #1
    Senior Member registered user
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    1,159 - graphical progress bar

    There is now content on - and, even better, version 3 which now has a graphical progress bar and the option to switch to the text output ("verbose mode") by pressing F2.

    Isn't it nice?

    In my opinion, there is no reason any more against it! The entry level user is not confused by cryptic boot messages and in case anything goes wrong, he can be advised by tech support to press F2...

    Now I would be most happy to see a Knoppix version with a progress bar... The author also welcomes themes for other distributions, so in case someone plays around with bootsplash on Knoppix, please be sure to send the author a copy of your files.

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
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    I don't agree.
    This is only an artistic improvement.
    Using it ,you will loose presuce space,ram, stability and standardisation.
    As it now is with the pure text interface is exellent.
    Minimum space usage,maximum stability,...
    Don't make same mistakes from the boys from Redmond...keep it simple

  3. #3
    Senior Member registered user
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    Auckland, New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by ktheking
    I don't agree.
    This is only an artistic improvement.
    Using it ,you will loose presuce space,ram, stability and standardisation.
    As it now is with the pure text interface is exellent.
    Minimum space usage,maximum stability,...
    Don't make same mistakes from the boys from Redmond...keep it simple

    I disagree.. Knoppix is used by many to demonstrate linux, to sell linux, and to say "linux is as good as windows". If Joe Average boots up knoppix, and sees a whole lot of text wizzing by, he will have no clue as to whats going on. With a nice progress bar, he can see that it has so and so left to do. The bootsplash doesn't take up much space either.

    Knoppix isn't a "keep it simple distro". It comes by default with KDE, a highly complex desktop, and prehaps you prefer the console? Either way, As long as the bootsplash doesn't adversly effect non-framebuffer compatible computers, I think it would be a great addition.

  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    I absolutely agree with eadz. Linux is about freedom, and you always can add vga=0 to your boot line or press F2 at any time to get pure text.

    I am giving KnoppixKDE to all my friends (Windows users) and they mostly like KDE a great deal but are confused by all the text at the boot time. IMHO, bootsplash is no bloat but really a great step towards Linux n every desktop

  5. #5
    Senior Member registered user
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    The reason I say this is because the experience I had with GRUB ..
    (graphical replacement for lilo)
    Try install latest GRUB based distro (like SUSE) on nforce chipset motherboard =>you won't .
    GRUB makes a fuzz with vga and other integrated devices. (suchas notebooks too).
    When integrating directly graphical depended show-tricks you endanger
    the compability with such all-integrated devices. (and all integrated devices is what were headin' to).
    This explains my worries about graphical stuff at boot.
    True, that for JoeAverage this is very smooth. But from creator,helpdesker side this gets back to windooze troubleshooting.
    At the end you don't know anymore what's happening when there's a failure at boot. All you can do is with trial-and-error and guessing what's happening.

  6. #6
    Senior Member registered user
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    Quote Originally Posted by ktheking
    from creator,helpdesker side this gets back to windooze troubleshooting. At the end you don't know anymore what's happening when there's a failure at boot. All you can do is with trial-and-error and guessing what's happening.
    That *was* true in previous releases, but in the newest release you simply press F2 and have all you boot messages tech support might need! And remember, it's very easy to disable altoegther.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Does anyone know, if there is an install-howto. I've read the instructions on and was a little bit confused.

  8. #8
    Senior Member registered user
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    Does this mean you might incorporate this into the next version of KnoppixKDE?

  9. #9
    Senior Member registered user
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    Auckland, New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by aay

    Does this mean you might incorporate this into the next version of KnoppixKDE?
    Well, the question really is weather I can fit it in the 1.44 boot file. I can do it using isolinux, but that seems to cause boot problems for older computers. The "splash" binary has to be statically compiled and is quite large so yeah.. I don't know.

  10. #10
    Senior Member registered user
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    Thinking about using this in Morphix too, been playing around with it but i've been hitting a few problems.

    First, the size issue: Morphix uses a 2.88mb bootimage, more than enough for a nice bootscreen, but i too am thinking about using isolinux. Both the 2.88mb bootimage and isolinux don't work on every pc, so having a bootimage would be needed without bootsplash, i guess

    Another problem is that it doesn't work with VGA fb (needs 16bit vesa, afaik). Are there plans within bootsplash to use vga again? Not all pc's like fb-vesa, and i'd rather have a plain 16color bootsplash working on every pc than a purty one that causes problems on some machines.

    Oh well, i'll play with it some more, nice stuff

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