I am using a Toshiba laptop. *I have an Orinoco 802.11b wireless card here plugged into the laptop. *It works perfectly with Windows. *In fact, when I went to my friends house, who has no encryption on his wireless network, my network card automatically worked fine with Knoppix there!! *Here the name of the network is 2c8313 and the password is c8313.
How do I tell it that in Knoppix? *I have tried all of the network configuration settins. *I have eth0 and eth1 in the list and i try configuring it. *I've tried using and not using DHCP. *I go to terminal and type netcardconfig to get that. *I try typing su to log in as root, then typing wlcardconfig. I fill in everything (at least I think it is correct) yet when I open the Mozilla browser it cannot connect. I tried going to the WaveLan settings, same problem. Don't forget-it automatically worked perfectally at my friends house who has no encryption, and I do not want to turn off encryption on my router. *I am new to Linux. *What should I do? *