
I have used Knoppix CD boot to salvage data from trashed hard drives. I recently changed from 3.6 to 3.7. I had used my SanDisk Cruzer Micro USB drive (256-MB, formatted VFAT) to store my settings and was able to point to it with "home=" in booting 3.6 and it worked great.

But in 3.7, the USB drive mounts read-only. I can came become ROOT, unmount, and remount for all users and can then read and write to it as the non-root user. ( iuse mount -t vfat -o user,rw,exec,umask=000 /dev/ubb1 /mnt/ubb1).

But even doing that does not show the USB drive as a possible place to make my persistent home directory. This is on computers where I could with Knoppix 3.6.

I get the message "Create persistent home directory -- No suitable partitions..."

Am I stuck. I tried reformatting the USB drive, but that did not help. Should it be "/dev/ubb1"?

Any help is appreciiated.
