Here goes,

I have been trying to get my Wireless lan adapter to work with any form of linux for a good 2 solid weeks now, After much research i found out that i own version 4 of the linksys WUSB54g USB adapter the version 4 means it's a rt2500(ralink) based chipset instead of prism like i had first thought and was told by many.

Here is what i have done so far followed by my problem, Ok I did a HD install of Knoppix 3.6, booted with the 2.6 kernel(since i read that 2.4 has probs with Wlan USB devices).. mounted my windows drive, SU'd and changed to my windows dir with the drivers i downloaded,

ran ndiswrapper -i rt2500usb.inf .. Now it says installing rt2500usb then i'm back at the prompt with no errors. Next i ran modprobe ndiswrapper and again no errors, so i run dmesg and i see ndiswrapper 0.8 loaded but nothing else after that(was expecting more info ) now i run iwconfig but of course it sees no wireless devices of any sort. it appears as though the module is doing nothing.. when i run ndiswrapper -l it just lists rt2500usb and says nothing about the device being present or not

So i'm figuring that the install was unsuccesful and have no idea what i should try next posting this from winXP machine since i have no net access on knoppix without Wlan IF anyone has any suggestions or has gotten this version of the Linksys WUSB54g working let me know please
