Ms. Cuddles is right on the money ripping and burning. She especially nailed abcde as a wonderful ripping/encoding tool.

ABCDE - A Better CD Encoder Basically abcde is a scripted frontend to a ripper/encoder/tagger/renamer of music files. IYou must first install and then configure abcde before you will get it functioning like I will describe.

abcde usgae for me is as simple as dropping a CD audio disc into the cdrom drive. I type
cd /mnt/storage1/mp3s
and then I type
It will find the CD disc in the CDROM drive, query so it can get the Disc's Artists, Title & track info, asks me if the queried info is correct. If so it rips the CD audio tracks to the hard drive as WAV files. Then it uses LAME to encode them to high quality variable bit-rate MP3s (LAME - Lame Ain't a MP3 Encoder, hint, it is a mp3 encoder). I use --alt-preset standard as it is a great compromise between file size and audio quality. Next it tags the mp3 with the artists/trackname info and then creates the appropriate directory structure.
In my case, if I were to encode the Yanni album "Live at the Acropolis", abcde automatically creates the directories
/mnt/storage1/mp3s/Yanni/Live at the Acropolis/
and then lables my MP3s with the following format: Artist - TrackNumber - TrackTitle - AlbumTitle.mp3
So the first track off of that CD would be named: Yanni - 01 - Santorini - Live at the Acropolis.mp3

Again, the greatest part about all this techno-mumbo-jumbo is that I drop a CD into the drive and type abcde and in about 20 minutes, it does it all for me unattended. NOTE: I had to experiment and configure it (editing a test conf file) to do exactly what I wanted.

According to the Knoppix packages listing, abcde is not included on the default Knoppic disc. In order to use abcde you will need other programs such as LAME & cdparanoia.

In order to get LAME, you will need to add a new repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list file. The page shows you the line you need to add Then you should be able to install abcde:
apt-get install abcde lame cdparanoia id3 id3v2

Happy encoding!