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Thread: updating Nessus plugins

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005

    updating Nessus plugins

    I'm using v. 3.6 of knoppix
    I'm following the instructions on hack#45 in "Knoppix Hacks" book (p. 144 ) and for the most part it works fine. The problem I'm having is that when I run nessus-update-plugins, it only downloads a set number of the plugins and then from then on, I get errors that it couldn't download more because it ran out of space on the device (presumeably the ram drive). Anyone have any ideas how I could remedy this?

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    london town
    1 buy more ram
    2 install knoppix (At your own risk)

  3. #3
    Administrator Site Admin-
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    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by pureone
    1 buy more ram
    Boy, I sure wouldn't be advising someone to buy more ram without even knowing how much they have or even the system they are on and it's capacity. And at the cost of ram for old systems it might be more cost eficent to replace an entire cpu and MB with new larger ram than to buy much of the old small stuff that now commands premium prices.

    I rather expect that people coming here are looking for help on getting things to work on the hardware they have, and don't see how telling people buy more memory or to buy a newer computer every time an uncomfortable problem presents itself is helpful.

    Quote Originally Posted by pureone
    2 install knoppix (At your own risk)
    I agree with the At your own risk part, but would never advise someone to install Knoppix, and certainly not in a case where we know so little about his actual problem and his actual system.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2005


    of course, more ram...should have thought of that...thanks

  5. #5
    Senior Member registered user
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    Oct 2004
    london town
    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Kuhman
    Quote Originally Posted by pureone
    1 buy more ram
    Boy, I sure wouldn't be advising someone to buy more ram without even knowing how much they have or even the system they are on and it's capacity. And at the cost of ram for old systems it might be more cost eficent to replace an entire cpu and MB with new larger ram than to buy much of the old small stuff that now commands premium prices.

    I rather expect that people coming here are looking for help on getting things to work on the hardware they have, and don't see how telling people buy more memory or to buy a newer computer every time an uncomfortable problem presents itself is helpful.

    Quote Originally Posted by pureone
    2 install knoppix (At your own risk)
    I agree with the At your own risk part, but would never advise someone to install Knoppix, and certainly not in a case where we know so little about his actual problem and his actual system.
    point taken i couldnt think of anything other then buy more ram at the time of the post. but there are loads of differnt options to take.

    there are tons of ways to use up less ram(init 2). also the problem might be that some of nessuses plugin folders permissions might not of been set correctly. it would be good to know how much ram the person has in the first place. you could always set up a swap partion to act as extra memory.

    you also have the option of trying a live security cd that doesnt take up as much ram such as knoppix std, las , phlak

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