I am interested to write installed programs to a hard disk. I understand that I have to remaster knx 3.8 in order to do it. So at the moment in fact it is not possible to save changes ... .

645 echo -n "${CRE}${BLUE}Creating unionfs and symlinks on ramdisk...${NORMAL}"
646 mkdir -p /UNIONFS
647 if test -n "$UNIONFS" && /bin/mount -t unionfs -o dirs=/ramdisk=rw:/KNOPPIX=ro /UNIONFS /UNIONFS; then
648 # We now have unionfs, copy some data from the initial ramdisk first
649 cp -a /etc/fstab /etc/auto.mnt /etc/filesystems /etc/mtab /UNIONFS/etc/
650 for i in bin boot dev etc sbin var lib opt root usr; do # Move directories to unionfs
651 if test -d /$i; then
652 mv /$i /$i.old && \
653 /KNOPPIX/lib/ld-linux.so.2 --library-path /KNOPPIX/lib /KNOPPIX/bin/ln -snf /UNIONFS/$i /$i && \
654 rm -rf /$i.old
655 else
656 ln -snf /UNIONFS/$i /$i
657 fi
658 done
659 for i in $(cd /UNIONFS; echo *);do # Create links for new stuff on /UNIONFS
660 test "$i" = "home" -o "$i" = "tmp" && continue
661 test -L "/$i" || test -d "/$i" || test -f "/$i" || ln -snf "/UNIONFS/$i" /$i
662 done
663 echo ""
664 echo "${GREEN}>> Read-only CD/DVD system successfully merged with read-write /ramdisk.${NORMAL}"