Why is it that if you try to install kreatecd, kdegames, etc., that kde 3.1 gets removed? It seems to be related to a libc6 incompatability, and this is something I don't quite understand. Have these programs not been compiled and added to the debian mirrors with the updated libraries? Does anyone know how to fix this, or should I just wait for the debian maintainers to fix it in the mirrors? I can live w/o the programs, but I am partial to some of them.

I've been trying to understand this problem for a while, and I've noticed it in other distros as well (libranet 2.0 - it doesn't seem to matter whether libranet is upgraded to sid or to woody using the kde 3.1 port from www.apt-get.org). I've googled and searched many different forums and I can't seem to find anyone else talking about this problem.

Maybe I'm just doing something wrong. If that's the case, please correct me.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

btw i've installed knoppix 3.2 to hard disk.