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Thread: GNOME 2.2

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    GNOME 2.2

    Hi all,

    I have Knoppix 3.2 installed in my HDD. It's incredible, the best I've known. But I am trying to install GNOME 2.2 and I can't.

    Any ideas?



  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
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    Nov 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by rmdnet
    Hi all,

    I have Knoppix 3.2 installed in my HDD. It's incredible, the best I've known. But I am trying to install GNOME 2.2 and I can't.

    Any ideas?


    Well the bad news is that I don't think it is possible to do a full install right now. I've been trying to do so and have been running into problems. First off I added the following repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list

    deb gnome2.2/
    deb gnome2.2/

    (I found them through a link at though they are also listed at

    Each time I tried to do an apt-get install gnome I got all kinds of dependency errors. At one point I saw that in order to install Gnome 2.2 I'd have to remove KDE 3.1. That is not really an option for me now.

    Curious as to what the problem was I did a little more fideling with my system and found that the problem lies with libfam. If you put "libfam0 gnome kde" (without the quotes) into google and look for the debian links you will see some helpful posts from Debian mailing lists. As one post quips:

    GNOME 2 uses the g++ 3.2 version (libfam0c102) while KDE2 uses (and needs to continue using) the g++ 2.95 version (libfam0), and the two conflict.
    (The same is true of KDE 3.x btw)

    There is some good news however. Though I have been unable to get Gnome installed per se I was able to get enough GTK 2 libs installed to upgrade several applications (And being more KDE centric, this is all I really wanted to do anyway.)

    Here's what I did.

    First I made a backup of my sources.list by saving /etc/apt/sources.list as /etc/apt/sources.list.old.

    Next I commented out everything except the Gnome 2 sources (listed above). I'm not absolutely sure this step is necessary, but it worked for me.

    Then I did an apt-get update and an apt-get dist-upgrade. That's when the necessary GTK2 stuff was downloaded. I also saw that Bluefish was updated. I was really happy that I could now upgrade Gnucash to it's current version.

    Not all Gnome apps will upgrade. Gnomemeeting won't upgrade and for me that's a real downer.

    Of course when you get finished with everything you want to be sure to delete /etc/apt/sources.list and rename /etc/apt/sources.list.old to be /etc/apt/sources.list

    Does any one else have any ideas on how to get around this problem. Feel free to let me know if there is a smarter way to do things.

    Hopefully this problem should be remedied soon, but I have no idea what sort of time line we are looking at.

    One last thing. I noticed that in one of the links that turned up in my google search one guy said this.

    My solution was to place a hold on the ibgnomevfs2* packages, which, on my systems, are the only ones for which an upgrade depends on libfam0c102.
    I'm not sure how to do this. Anyone else know the details?

  3. #3
    Member registered user
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    Don't mean to hijack the thread.

    But do you have KDE and Gnome installed on the same machine?

    IF so, how do you switch back and forth between the two desktop manager?


  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    Portland, OR USA
    Now there's a version of KNOPPIX that runs Gnome instead of KDE, called GNOPPIX.

    From a recent post to Slashdot:

    "While KNOPPIX has been around for some time, the GNOPPIX project has only recently made its first release. The main difference is that it lets you boot into the GNOME desktop environment."

    For more information: GNOPPIX web site

    - eco2geek

  5. #5
    Senior Member registered user
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    Quote Originally Posted by eco2geek
    Now there's a version of KNOPPIX that runs Gnome instead of KDE, called GNOPPIX.

    From a recent post to Slashdot:

    "While KNOPPIX has been around for some time, the GNOPPIX project has only recently made its first release. The main difference is that it lets you boot into the GNOME desktop environment."

    For more information: GNOPPIX web site

    - eco2geek
    From their FAQ, that is not a KNOPPIX derivative but more like a GNOME 2.2 woody building from the ground up then clooped. So all those KNOPPIX tools and tricks(hd-install etc.) may not be there.

  6. #6
    Senior Member registered user
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    Portland, OR USA
    From their FAQ, that is not a KNOPPIX derivative but more like a GNOME 2.2 woody building from the ground up then clooped. So all those KNOPPIX tools and tricks(hd-install etc.) may not be there.
    The only way to tell was to d/l, burn, and try it. And yes, it is a Knoppix derivative. (Instead of typing "knoppix" at the boot prompt, you type "credativ", and all the configuration options don't work yet - which may be why I'm looking at a desktop and menu structure in German.) The CD includes several docs straight from Knoppix, and it looks exactly the same as it boots up.

    The interesting thing is, their web site says they're working on a GUI installation utility.

  7. #7
    Senior Member registered user
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    I try'd to install Gnome once on Knoppix with apt-get -t stable install gnome-core, it crashed Knoppix - I had to Reinstall the KNX.

    Also I had Knoppix-DVD Version installed on HDD, it came with Gnome 2.2 = IT WAS SLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOW !!!

    It's an Memory Hog, I had 512MB [PC-266] MEM !!!

  8. #8
    Senior Member registered user
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    Ok, my previous post is now outdated. For some time now I've been able to install Gnome with simple apt-get install gnome (maybe i used apt-get -t unstable install gnome - one of the two should work).

    I downloaded Gnoppix. I really don't like it much. There are only basic apps. Most people would be better off with Morphix Heavy.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2003
    Ok, my previous post is now outdated. For some time now I've been able to install Gnome with simple apt-get install gnome (maybe i used apt-get -t unstable install gnome - one of the two should work).

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    How do you make gnome work after you have apt-get'ed it???
    I've downloaded it with all the bounch of other packages but don't know how to run/autorun it.
    In my logon screen, in the session combo there is no gnome.....

    Do you have any clue???

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