Hi there - I'm new to knoppix so apologies for my ignorance.
I don't have Knopix installed on my HD, but boot from the
Knoppix image on a spare internal hard drive ( hdb1 ).
The boot CD is in my CDROM drive at startup and at the boot up prompt
I enter " knoppix fromhd=/dev/hdb1 " to boot from the spare partition.
The system then runs from the Knoppix file on my spare partition and
I can take the CD out and free up my CDROM DRIVE.
The question I want to ask is can I , and if so how, write to my
other ( windows) partition. I want to save files from when I work in
Knoppix onto my hard disk. Obviously it wont' let me save to hdb1
but can I make hda1 writeable. hda1 is readable as I can read all my windows data
from it. How can I make this writeable so I can save my work from Knoppix onto it.
If it is writeable, does it have any detrimental effects on the hard drive in question ?
Use Windows98 SE which is installed on hda1.
Thanks a lot for your help !