
I'm a newbie and someone as recommended to me the knoppix 3.8 live cd version of Linux for a simple reason: I need to install a program of linguistic analysis based in this OS but I have Win XP SP1 on my laptop. I want to give Linux a try, but I need to keep using windows...at least for now.


The problem I had with other Live CDs was that I couldn't write or save anything on my (hard) disk (since it is NTFS, as far as I know). This problem is supposed to be solved with Knoppix 3.8, right? But...

First of all, when I tried to install a rpm file (a "part" of the program whose function is unknown to me...) it would't let me because I need a "root" password. I couldn't decompress the program files either. I have read in a thread I can set the root password by typing "sudo su" in any console. OK, I will try that. But still I have a question: in case I'm able to decompress and/or install the program...where would it be written and stored? I don't want it to overwrite any windows file! Does Linux create any directory of folder where it keeps and install programs permanently (which I can check even if i log out, from my windows system?)

I hope I'm not forced to partition my disk (yet) for running the program I need.

Thank you very much for your help and forgive my ignorance

Best regards,
