NML wrote:
I am making some progress, at least I think I am. I installed using the Debian install but now I am unable to get the Wireless card to talk to my network. this is odd, during the boot up process the NIC lights are blinking and when I log in to the desktop the lights are still blinking for a few min then go off. both the NIC and wireless config wizards are aware of the NIC.

The boot up process is so fast I can't see if there are any errors or problems.

Any ideas?

Just to let you know, I am having the exact same problem with a cisco 340 pcmcia on a presario 2100

I have fiddled with iwconfig, ifconfig, etc.

I can see the AP. and wavemon says everything is correct and bits are flying. But there seems to be some confusion on the systems part about the difference between eth0 and wifi0. In other words I can configure eth0 exactly as if it were the card and it behaves just like the wifi card...except none of the apps can get connected to the net. I can do the same things with wifi0 *except* I cant manually config IP addresses and such.