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Thread: klik with Kanotix Live CD works, HD Install not!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    klik with Kanotix Live CD works, HD Install not!


    After trying klik successfully with the newest Kanotix 01/2005 Live CD, I installed Kanotix on HD.
    But with the HD Installation , klik stopped working:
    When kliking on a .cmg, I am notified: Unable to mount /mnt/app/1 !!!
    Here my fstab :

    # /etc/fstab: filesystem table.
    # filesystem mountpoint type options dump pass
    /dev/hda6 / reiserfs defaults 0 1

    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
    /dev/fd0 /floppy vfat defaults,user,noauto,showexec,umask=022 0 0
    usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs devmode=0666 0 0
    sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
    tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,users,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/dvd /dvd iso9660 defaults,ro,users,noexec,noauto 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ntfs auto,users,exec,ro,umask=000 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/hda5 none swap defaults 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/hda7 /mnt/hda7 ntfs auto,users,exec,ro,umask=000 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/2/image /mnt/app/2 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/3/image /mnt/app/3 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/4/image /mnt/app/4 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/5/image /mnt/app/5 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/6/image /mnt/app/6 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0
    /mnt/app/7/image /mnt/app/7 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    Hope someone can help me.
    Thanks very much for every answer,

    Patrick (a Kanotix newbee)

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Please ensure that every line occurs not more than once in your fstab.

    Which application(s) are you having problems with?


    P.S.: Since I personally never use HD installs (only "poor man's install"), I can only guarantee that it works with the Live CD. (But I hear from others that they use it with HD install with success.)

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Hi bonobo,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Which lines will I have to delete in my fstab? Sorry, but until now, I never changed something in fstab. I even don't know exactly what's fstab really for!
    I have problems whit every application (cmg) I wanted to start (opera, real, nvu, ...)
    With the LiveCD klik works, but I have done an HD Install, and want to add some programms.
    I also thougt yet about trying a Poor Man Install, but don't know how to boot this kind of installation?

  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Dublin, Ireland
    Quote Originally Posted by bruckner
    Which lines will I have to delete in my fstab? Sorry, but until now, I never changed something in fstab. I even don't know exactly what's fstab really for!
    You see the repeating block starting with "/mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0"? Well you should only have one set of those lines so you can delete everything after the first /mnt/app/1/image /mnt/app/1 auto user,noauto,ro,loop,exec 0 0

    Something else must be up though I think. Try running "~/.zAppRun /path/to/nvu.cmg" from a command line, replacing /path/to/nvu.cmg with one of your cmg files. You may see a more useful error msg? You could also check /mnt/app exists and that you can write to it (as root do "chmod 777 /mnt/app" to make it writable by anyone). Finally I guess it's also possible your system may have got itself into a bit of a mess somehow, so if you still have problems look at (or paste here) the output from the following commands: mount ; ls -l /mnt/app

  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Thanks for your help and advices.
    I'll try it as soon as I will be at home.
    (I post from my Palm over UMTS).
    Best regards,

  6. #6
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    It works!!!!!

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