hi i like doing pcs and have learn myself alot about them to with no help at all.but ive bumped into a prob and need some help as its doing my head in now.
ive got 50 hard drives ive had them for a long time now but when i try to load them up its saying
windows 98 has detected that drive c does not have a valid fat or fat 32 partition
thay come to me like it and
i cant do them as im being told all kinds of things to put
ive got a 12 and 10 gig that i want to use can anyone help me out mabe email me how to do it as ive spent months trying things and got nothing only the same message would thank anyone who can.
my email is passion_wheel1974@btinternet.com

looked in books but dont tell you very good and its all in talk i dont know.