well i have just about got knoppix up and running
i have got it booting from the cd no problems so the next thing to do is to get it loaded onto the hdd, when i tried to do it i got a prompt saying the disk was too small, ive got an 80gig so was a little miffed. i suspect the problem is that i may have formatted it in a peculiar way (aint no other os for me! i just want linux). so my qusetion is, is there a diagnostic tool or command i can enter during the F2 F3 command prompt to tell me the information about my hdd such as if any partitions are still present and what format the drive is in eg FAT 32 NTFS. Why isnt Knoppix recognising the rest of my hdd?
am i resigned to having NTFS i was running XP before on aforementioned hd.