After installing either 3.8.1 or 3.8.2 from the CD to a SCSI hardrive, the subsequent reboot failes in the first 5 lines or so. Failing to find sd_mod.

The system was installed in the "Like the CD" mode (2 users, no passwords, hardware detect...)

Looking at the 3.8.1 after a CD boot (running on the SCSI machine).

1) It sees the scsi partitions
2) in /lib/modules/ there is *NO* sd_mod* or sd* in the structure
I assume this is the source for what gets installed to the HD.

On a different IDE machine, I did a "Like CD" install, and kernel rebuild
-- NO sd_mod* or sd* in the /lib/modules
-- /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.11/drivers/scsi has sd_mod.o and sd.o
My guess is that they aren't in any initrd, thefore it dies.

?? Maybe I need to remaster after adding these 2 to the /lib/modules, rebuild the initrd and then burning the CD.
?? What happen during the module_install that I should look out for?