1st of all, thanks for developing/supporting an excellent software. I wish Mr. Klaus Knopper and his associates tremendous wealth and fame.

My questions: What are the advantages to a) install on HD versus b) Boot ISO residing on HD as oppose to c) cdrom ?

Let me attempt to answer my own questions, my intention is to perhaps initiate a meaningful discussions around this subject.

Booting/loading from cdrom obviously prevents me from using it for other purposes, for eg. viewing DVD, listening to CD without copying the files to hardisk in advance. But we all know the tremendous advantages that Knoppix cd offers such as portable linux without installation, not leaving trail on hd etc.

Installing on hardisk not only takes up 2.5G of space, I would assume that due to the need to transfer more uncompressed data, slows down the speed of loading an application.. is this true ?

Booting from ISO residing in HD prevents me to customise the system files, although right now I don't see any reason I would want to tinker with it yet. I realise that user preference can be saved and recalled later. So the best solution considering speed of loading, ability to customise, is to boot/load from HD residing ISO, save preferences on HD, and if system customisation is ever needed, uncompress on HD->modify->compress on ISO .. does this sound right ?

So how do you boot/load Knoppix ? and why ?

Mr. Knopper, if you are reading this.. thank you for freeing me from microsoft. I noticed that you are a pianist and composed a few pieces of your own, I can't wait to play them Now that I have more free time due to less computer problems.