Hi everyone...
I am a new knoppix user. Knoppix is able to detect my PCMCIA wireless modem on boot-up perfectly, it initializes card manager and everything. To connect to the internet, i started KPPP, since i have no knowledge about the command line interface. "Query modem" displays my wireless modem's name, etc perfectly. It shows:'' GTRAN wirelss 153 K modem".
I am able to connect, however, am not able to view any web pages. The connection is slow, but is not so slow that i cannot even view a single web page after waiting a long time.
I have noticed one thing....the output bytes are almost 3 times the input bytes. I am able to send 3000 bytes a minute.
I have played with all the settings in KPPP, and read all the help associated with it in KDE help.
Can anyone please help me more? What can I do to get a faster connection? Is it a hardware problem, or is Knoppix not able to extract the best from my modem?? In windows, my PCMCIA modem needs special drivers provided by the manufacturers to run
Thanks in advance..