I got this dell inspiron 2000. I got it specifically to run the garmin gps 18 and nroute software in my auto. That works great.

Problem is the machine comes already configured with that stinking (expletive deleted) windows xp os. It doesn't allow me to make any changes to the way the thing runs. When you boot it gives you a lot of pop ups which are tantamount to a lot of commercials. It comes with a cd burner but none of my burn software such as nero will run on the thing. When I burn cd's using the windows explorer, they are created in a format (probably ntfs) which none of my other computers can read.

I wanted to run another os on this machine but didn't think I stood a snowball's chance in hell of doing so. I inserted the knoppix 3.8.2 cd into the machine and turned on the power. IT BOOTED AND RAN FLAWLESSLY. Wow!

Now here's a question for you knoppix wizards. Is there any way that I can, using k3b, burn some of the files on my hdd to the cdrom? I know I'm running from cd but I don't want to do a hdd install to this machine. Can I somehow tell knoppix to run entirely from ram ( I got 512 meg) so that the cd drive is freed up for burning?

Thanks in advance
