These are nothing too technical so I figured I'd put them here. Just a general collection of things I've been wondering about, as a newbie.

1 - I found people on EBay selling freely available Linux distros, is that within the "rules"? They weren't overpriced or anything, but somehow it just seems wrong to me. How do you personally feel about this sort of thing?

2 - I recently installed Kanotix and got rid of the Knoppix install I was using. Is it okay to ask Kanotix related questions on the Knoppix board? I've seen a few, but still, I don't want to annoy anyone. The Knoppix board seems to get a lot more traffic, and I guess they are pretty similar distros after all.

3 - Any musicians here? I had the perfect music setup in Windows but I wiped it, then when I went to re-install, my restore CD wouldn't let me. I managed to get an, ahem, "special version" installed but I hit soundcard problems and gave up, seeing as I'm not interested in dual booting really. So my current struggle is getting music apps happening under Linux but I'm not having much luck understanding the whole audio thing. I'd love to have some general discussion with you if you make music in a Linux environment. Here is just one example of my problems: I start Audacity and it says "Error initialising audio - There was an error initialising the audio i/o layer. You will not be able to play or record audio. - Error: Host error." I also installed ReBorn and nothing happens when I hit Play (got it working under other distros though). I feel like I can advance when I learn the basics of audio, but nothing I read makes sense to me. At the moment, I am just clicking buttons and choosing ALSA and whatever else, but I'd really love to understand what I'm actually doing here!

Thanks guys.