I have installed Knoppix 3.1 on the harddisk.

While I am able to log on to internet using KPPP, but if I use wvdial with the same /etc/wvdial.conf file which I was using successfully with Red Hat 7.1 earlier also and the same /etc/resolv.conf, I am able to connect to the ISP but the connection is not there for more that 5 to 10 seconds and then ppp process dies out with error code 16 which means the connetion was terminated by connecting modem. I am not able to ping to the DNS for whatever period I am connected to.

Don't know why.

I tried to use pppconfig, but when I do pon, pppd is not dialing the ISP even.

This is all happening when I am logged in as root.

What could be the possible reason.