Ok, the whole deal is I wanna leave hda1, NTFS WinXP hard drive, alone, and install Knoppix on hdb1(ext3), use the swap file hdb2, and have hdb3(FAT32) be the part of the HD both XP and Knoppix can access. So I made sure all the partitions were set on the secondary, then I installed, knoppix-installer liked the partitions very much, but when it came to grub/lilo, everything went downhill.

I told it to go with grub. After the install was finished, I took the CD out, reset, then it loaded a single command prompt.


Last type of linux I installed, Mepis, gave me grub, but it was a bit more graphical, with a set of options for which OS I wanted to boot with. Is there anyway to get Grub or Lilo to give me a list of options instead of a command line? As of now I can only boot off of the CD, and can't access XP anymore. Any ideas?