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Thread: hanging on bootup: scanning for harddisk partitions

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    hanging on bootup: scanning for harddisk partitions

    Knoppix 3.7..3.9 hang on my Toshiba Satellite 1800-400 laptop by booting:
    My harddisk partioning table looks corrupt. Only winxp en winme have no problems
    by knoppix 3.7 with kernel 2.6 (knoppix26) don't hang and with fdisk I can see the harddisk table only mounting is not posible
    With knoppix 3.9 failsafe works but with fdisk I can't see /dev/hda only in low resolution
    Perhaps there is a solution for this problem

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
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    Re: hanging on bootup: scanning for harddisk partitions

    Can you boot with boot: knoppix 3? Do you get a shell prompt? If you do, can you post the results of 'cat /proc/partitions'?

    - Robert

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Knoppix 3.2 /proc/partitions

    With Knoppix 3.2 there where no problems. The harddisk was fully accessable.
    The contents of /proc/partitions was:

    major minor  #blocks  name
       3     0   14749056 hda
       3     1    6160896 hda1
       3     2          1 hda2
       3     5    5630751 hda5
       3     6    2955928 hda6
    With later versions of Knoppix I have problems with accessing my harddisk
    with 3.8 and 3.9 knoppix hang by booting on: "scanning for Harddisk partitions and creating /etc/fstab..."

    Hopefully there is an option by booting


  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    Re: Knoppix 3.2 /proc/partitions

    Quote Originally Posted by mln
    With Knoppix 3.2 there where no problems. The harddisk was fully accessable.
    The contents of /proc/partitions was:
    major minor  #blocks  name
       3     0   14749056 hda
       3     1    6160896 hda1
       3     2          1 hda2
       3     5    5630751 hda5
       3     6    2955928 hda6
    If I understand you correctly, the above was created with Knoppix 3.2. However ...
    Quote Originally Posted by mln
    With later versions of Knoppix I have problems with accessing my harddisk
    with 3.8 and 3.9 knoppix hang by booting on: "scanning for Harddisk partitions and creating /etc/fstab..."
    ... you were not even able to get to a shell with Knoppix 3.8 or 3.9. Is that correct?
    Quote Originally Posted by mln
    Hopefully there is an option by booting
    Probably. Your partitions do not look out of the ordinary. So, I suspect it may be something other than your harddrive, but that's just a guess.

    To troubleshoot this, let's stick with Knoppix 3.8 for now. Try booting with boot: knoppix debug -b 3 Using that boot command will cause Knoppix to pause at various stages in the boot process. Just type 'exit' at each shell prompt to move on to the next stage. You will know that you are at the final stage when typing 'exit' does not do anything. If you get that far, type 'init 5' to go into graphics mode.

    How far do you get?

    - Robert

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    boot: knoppix debug -b 3

    With knoppix 3.8 and 3.9, I must stop at stage 3 else the computer hang on the known failure point.
    In stage 3, I can give command: init 5 ; startx
    To go to X11. But startx stops with error message
    When I give the command: cat /proc/partitions the output is:

    major minor  #blocks  name
       3     0   14749056 hda 
     240    0    1966656  cloop0
    when I give the command: fdisk /dev/hda
    The computer hangs and display continuely: "hda: lost interrupt"

    When I boot knoppix 3.9 with the command: failsafe
    Knoppix startup very quickly in grafical mode
    Only the harddisk is not recognized.
    The commands: 'cat /proc/partitions' and ' fdisk /dev/hda'
    gives the same output as above.
    Now I can break simple the console application: fdisk

    Sorry not a possitiive result


  6. #6
    Senior Member registered user
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    Saint Louis, MO, USA

    Re: boot: knoppix debug -b 3

    Quote Originally Posted by mln
    With knoppix 3.8 and 3.9, I must stop at stage 3 else the computer hang on the known failure point.
    So with the knoppix boot label you only get to stage 3 ...
    Quote Originally Posted by mln
    When I boot knoppix 3.9 with the command: failsafe
    Knoppix startup very quickly in grafical mode
    ... but with failsafe you get all the way into graphics mode. So one or more of the cheatcodes that's in the failsafe kernel label helps you boot. My guess would be some combination of nodma, noapm, noapci, acpi=off, but that's just a guess.

    Try booting with boot: failsafe debug -b 3. As before, just type 'exit' at each shell prompt to move on to the next stage. When you are at the final stage, type
    hdparm -Cbvg /dev/hda
    dmesg | tail
    Can you post the output of both of those commands?

    - Robert

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Jul 2005
    Hello Robert,

    Here the requested outputs of knoppix 3.9 after:

    hdparm -Cbvg /dev/hda
    multcount    = 16 (on)
    IOSupport    = 0 (default 16 bits)
    Unmaskirq    = 0 (off)
    Using dma    = 0 (off)
    Keepsettings = 0 (off)
    Readonly     = 0 (off)
    Readahead    = 256(on)
    Geometry     = 29264/16/63, sectors = 29418912, start = 0
    Drive state is: active/idle
    Busstate     = 1 (on)
    dmesg | tail
    FAT: invalid media value (0xcd)
    VFS: Can’t find a valid filesystem on dev hda.
    .... the rest is for other things such as CD: ISO9660 memory etc ...

    When I start up knoppix 3.9 with option ‘no dma’:
    Knoppix fb1024x768 screen=1024x768 no dma
    Then the laptop startup normally but the harddisk is not accessable

    hdparm -Cbvg /dev/hda
    multcount    = 16 (on)
     IO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)
     unmaskirq    =  0 (off)
     using_dma    =  1 (on)
     keepsettings =  0 (off)
     readonly     =  0 (off)
     readahead    = 256 (on)
     geometry     = 29264/16/63, sectors = 29498112, start = 0
     drive state is:  active/idle
     busstate     =  1 (on)
    dmesg (not interesting parts are removed)
    Linux version 2.6.11 (root@Knoppix) (gcc-Version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-12)) #2 SMP Thu May 26 20:53:11 CEST 2005
    ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
    ALI15X3: IDE controller at PCI slot 0000:00:04.0
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:04.0[A]: no GSI
    ALI15X3: chipset revision 195
    ALI15X3: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
        ide0: BM-DMA at 0xeff0-0xeff7, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
        ide1: BM-DMA at 0xeff8-0xefff, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
    Probing IDE interface ide0...
    hda: TOSHIBA MK1517GAP, ATA DISK drive
    ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
    Probing IDE interface ide1...
    ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
    Probing IDE interface ide2...
    Probing IDE interface ide3...
    Probing IDE interface ide4...
    Probing IDE interface ide5...
    hda: max request size: 128KiB
    hda: 29498112 sectors (15103 MB), CHS=29264/16/63
    hda: cache flushes not supported
     hda:hda: task_in_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
    hda: task_in_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
    ide: failed opcode was: unknown
    hda: task_in_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
    hda: task_in_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
    ide: failed opcode was: unknown
    hda: task_in_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
    hda: task_in_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }
    ide: failed opcode was: unknown
     unknown partition table
    hdc: ATAPI 24X DVD-ROM drive, 128kB Cache
    Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20

    Now when I do the same with knoppix 3.2 (may 2003)
    The three partitions are accessable now.
    failsafe debug -b 3.  No debugger (normal booting knoppix 3.2)

    after booting: knoppix screen=1024x768 The output of:
    hdparm -Cbvg /dev/hda
     multcount    = 16 (on)
     IO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)
     unmaskirq    =  0 (off)
     using_dma    =  1 (on)
     keepsettings =  0 (off)
     readonly     =  0 (off)
     readahead    =  8 (on)
     geometry     = 1836/255/63, sectors = 29498112, start = 0
     drive state is:  active/idle
     busstate     =  1 (on)


    dmesg (not interesting parts are removed)
     Linux version 2.4.20-xfs (root@Knoppix) (gcc version 2.95.4 20011002 (Debian prerelease)) #1 SMP Mit Mär 26 15:37:36 CET 2003
    ide_setup: hda=scsi
    ide_setup: hdb=scsi
    ide_setup: hdc=scsi
    ide_setup: hdd=scsi
    ide_setup: hde=scsi
    ide_setup: hdf=scsi
    ide_setup: hdg=scsi
    ide_setup: hdh=scsi
    PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device 00:04.0. Please try using pci=biosirq.
    ALI15X3: chipset revision 195
    ALI15X3: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
        ide0: BM-DMA at 0xeff0-0xeff7, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
        ide1: BM-DMA at 0xeff8-0xefff, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:pio
    hda: TOSHIBA MK1517GAP, ATA DISK drive
    ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
    ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
    blk: queue c032bfc4, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0xffffffff)
    hda: 29498112 sectors (15103 MB), CHS=1836/255/63, UDMA(33)
    ide-cd: passing drive hdc to ide-scsi emulation.
    Partition check:
     hda: hda1 hda2 < hda5 hda6 >


  8. #8
    Senior Member registered user
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    Just a thought.
    The Cheat Code to disable DMA is 'nodma' not 'no dma'.

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Sorry but with the command: knoppix nodma the system is hanging on the same point.
    But with the command: knoppix no dma the system is booting so as told

  10. #10
    Senior Member registered user
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    Long Island, NY USA
    As seen in your post:
    Quote Originally Posted by mln
    When I start up knoppix 3.9 with option ‘no dma’:[/b]
    Knoppix fb1024x768 screen=1024x768 no dma
    Then the laptop startup normally but the harddisk is not accessable

    hdparm -Cbvg /dev/hda
    multcount = 16 (on)
    IO_support = 0 (default 16-bit)
    unmaskirq = 0 (off)
    using_dma = 1 (on)
    keepsettings = 0 (off)
    readonly = 0 (off)
    readahead = 256 (on)
    geometry = 29264/16/63, sectors = 29498112, start = 0
    drive state is: active/idle
    busstate = 1 (on)
    Emphasis mine.
    OK, so to summarize:
    To turn on/enable DMA: knoppix dma
    To turn off/disable DMA: knoppix nodma

    'knoppix no dma' with a space between 'no' and 'dma' does not disable DMA but instead enables it. None of the Cheat Codes have spaces in it.

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