Hi there Linux-pro's!

I tried -for some hours now- to get my Geforce2 Ti Card to run under Knoppix3.9, but I do not manage to install the drivers - I even tried to compile somewhat called Kernel-something...
But I cant get it to work!
Then I inserted my GamesKnoppix CD and my nvidia card is detected at startup and works fine! (no compiling!)
Is there a way to include this easy feature in my HD3.9 install?

I want to migrate to Linux, but until CUBE doesn't run fine on it, I still have to boot my VVindows to play!

please help me, and please dont come with 30lines of console commands, I tried all I found in the forum, but they never worked for me (error here, error there..)

Just please tell me how to CUBE on KnoppiX!!!

thanks in advance!