1. Can someone tell me how can I format this 40 GIG HDD and make it bootable to DOS/Win 95 Environment using knoppix CD.

I have already tried mkfs.vfat, mkdosfs, mkfs.msdos on /dev/hda but it doesn't work. May be I am doing something wrong as I am pretty new to Linux.

I am actually given a task to automate the unattended Windows XP installation on new computers using linux bootable cd with a Perl Script. When the script runs, it should format HDD, Make It Bootable to DOS/Win95 and copy the windows Installation filles + unattended install script on HDD.

I am using these commands in my script:

"dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda && mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/hda && cp -rv /home/WinInstall/* /dev/hda && shutdown -r now"

2- Should I also use dosfsck -a /dev/hda after mkdosfs

3- Instead of dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda can I use any alternative command?

3- Is it posible to automate fdisk for creating FAT32 partitions under linux. (Note. I only need one partition)

I would highly appreciate your help.


P.S. /home/WinInstall contains the unattended windows installation files.